The Cranial Mishaps of G-Fry |
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Wednesday, December 31
Better Myself? Why? It's New Years Eve. I haven't made any resolutions. I never really do. I figure that I probably won't do them anyway. It seems the only way I can do anything and stick to it is if there is a grade involved. If I do the fitness thing for my independant study, I know that I'll work out more. Otherwise, I just can't see it happening. I'm heading out to a couple parties tonight. Well, maybe a couple. I'm still iffy on one. Manfred nullied another cuz he found out there'd be alcomahol there. We probably wouldn't have stayed long, anyway. We're not great friends with those guys. I'm sure my parents will be glad to hear that. G-Fry I'm Loving This! I'm really diggin' on how I can see how people get to my site. One guy came here because he looked up lowrider botd on Yahoo. I have no idea what the botd thing is, but I think it's pretty dang snazzy that I'm number two. Why am I still awake? G-Fry Meet Jeff No reason, but I think that you should look at Jeff. I know Jeff from school, and I will probably be attending, at least for a while, his New Years party. So watch him type on his computer. It'll do you good! Sometimes he laughs. G-Fry Oh, Good God I saw but didn't hear a commercial for this on TV today. I read what it actually is here on Pejmanesque. God. This is the kind of crap you like, Helen?! Reality TV may possibly be the stupidest invention ever created by mass media. G-Fry Warning! Warning! Teenage Whining In Close Proximity! Lucas, Kevin, and I went to Six Flags today. A good time. We rode the Titan and Superman, and then went home. Lucas had two free tickets, so we all chipped in for the third. All in all, it cost me fourteen bucks (what with the outrageous parking price), so I think it was worth it. Just in case you're interested, Superman was fun, but only worth about a half hour wait. We just kinda chilled after that. Played some Halo, then some poker. Sadly, G-Fry lost five dollars in poker today. But, hey, I won eighteen yesterday, so I guess that's fair. The fifty dollar game is comin' up on New Years Day. Should be fun, although I have a funny feeling I'm going to lose all of my money. I'm starting to feel that college pressure again. It's gone vacationing to see family for most of the break, but I think it's starting to unpack. All I have to do is write the scholarship essay for Austin College and the app essay for SMU. Well, that's not too bad. Assuming that I'm only applying to TCU, Austin, and SMU. Which, at this point, I just might be. I'm more relaxed than I was before this break. I'm very glad I got it. Apparently, I needed it. After we get back, it's gonna be hardcore schoolin'. Well, I'm going to have quite a bit of work, anyway. That doesn't mean that I'll do it all. Only a few more months till the AP tests, which means that everyone's gonna start crammin' us chock full of crap to think about soon here. But after that, oh, after that.......HEAVEN! Welcome, hard-studying seniors, to paradise. Yes, walk into those doors, but don't think at all! All those lazy misfits that have done this for four years have to take exams because they got really bored and skipped too much! But YOU, fine seniors! You have not farted your life away! You shall receive a month of relaxation and Ferris Bueller! Sleep in class! Skip a day or two! No one cares anymore! Yahoo for school! G-Fry Tuesday, December 30
Quietwater Props Because I've been whined at enough, I suppose I can tell the rest of 'em that I like them. First, there is Evan. He really is an emo bitch. But he is funny, too. He makes all those little comic things, and they provide hearty chuckles, minimum. Then, there is Jason. Among other things, Jason hates Dan. This makes me like Jason a lot. He makes all kinds of things to piss Dan off, all of which make me laugh. Jason has kickass abs and a awesome kiddo. Diony lives at Quietwater, too, but I never see her. In fact, I'm beggining to think that they made her up... Now all two other readers are gonna whine that I don't salute them... G-Fry Monday, December 29
Sigh... Man. For knowing so many people, I don't do that much. No one is around. Except Manfred, but he doesn't count as a person. All the regulars went to Freeb!rds. If you live in Texas and haven't gone there, get your ass in gear. If you don't live in Texas, you're screwed. Unless you send me money and ask me to ship you one, I guess. I'm on the verge of calling random people from school to see if they want to hang out. But I can't think of anyone from school that I really want to hang out with and haven't/don't. You know what would solve all these problems? A girlfriend. "Hey, Geoffrey, who you hangin' out with today?" "The woman." "Man, she's got you whipped so bad." (Makes whip-cracking noise) "Meh. She lets me make out with her." "....." Damn straight. G-Fry Erm? Um, is Social-Reject jacked up or did I piss him off? Because for me, it says I'm an asshat. That kinda hurts. G-Fry Sunday, December 28
My God....He's Dumber Than Dan Holy shit....Another Geoffrey found a bigger dumbass than Dan. Tough, I know, but I'm pretty sure this counts. Here, he lets the world know that the Iranians are faking their grief. What a DUMBASS! Do people work at being idiots? G-Fry Dumbass Teenager Well, before I get into this, I have to again address the fact that my family and, soon, my neighbors read this thing. I don't talk about this stuff with them in life, so talking with them about it on the internet is just....uncomfortable. But there's nothing I can do, really. After all, "It's public. It's on the internet. So, we can read it." Woe is me, I guess. My godfather wants the address, too. He came and visited us today. He cracks me up. I wouldn't mind him reading this because he doesn't live here. Plus, he's not a "parent figure." He'd prolly tell me more crazy crap than you guys. I'm done with this. On with the show! Nicole is back in town. And I don't really want to talk about it. I'll just keep you updated as I continue trekking into Dawson's Creek reruns. Still no pants. G-Fry Maine Is The Shiznit Just thought I'd let you know. Because he gave me an idea for the essay. And I'm probably going to use it. Because: a) it's good, and b) I got nothin' else. So bow before him. Especially if you want an idea for an essay. I'm not wearing pants. G-Fry So It Turns Out I Haven't Lived Yet! So I have to do this essay for a full scholarship to Austin College. Always a nice thing, you know? But I don't know what the hell to write about! The prompt is as follows:
" educate indivuals in the liberal arts and sciences in order to prepare them for productive and meaningful lives in an increasingly complex world." In this new millennium, what would you advocate to Austin College's Board of Trustees as being most essential to the education of students who will be relied upon to provide vision and leadership for the twenty-first century? I got nothing. Any help would be 'preciated. And if you wanna write it... G-Fry Welcome To A New Era My mom went out and purchased wireless ethernet today. So I am now bringing this to you live from....DA NA DA DA! My room! Yes, welcome one and all, to the living space of G-Fry! Known for his humorless antics and witless anecdotes, you can now view his living space! Assuming you live in his monitor! Today was a good day. I went to the mall with my mom, returned the jacket my grandma sent me and got one that I liked a smidgen better. It's very snazzy. I think you'd like it. While eating lunch, my mom asked me what the link was fer this here site. She said that my neighbor would like to read it. I said no, but I don't think she heard me. I don't really feel comfortable with adults reading my site, you know? I'm barely comfortable with people my age reading it, but adults that take care of me, etc.? Then my mom told me that my dad reads this every day. A little disconcerting. I think I said that last time, too.... My hair is shorter. G-Fry Saturday, December 27
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeere's G-Fry! Sorry about the whole not posting yesterday. I just didn't feel like it. Christmas was good. Lots of food (we're still goin' at that ham), my weapons (freakin' a), and some money. I bought some cd's yesterday. Thursday, Story of the Year, and Jet. Story is kickin'. I saw them in concert with Sugar Cult on Thanksgiving. That was a kickass show. Thursday is not the cd I thought it was, but it's still them, so I like it well enough. Jet is.....pretty much what I expected. Kind of weirdish. Sounds a lot like the Vines. Kinda. I got my first (that I'm aware of) Google hit, too. Someone was looking up "sports mishaps pictures" and number forty was me. I guess that's nice. Kind of odd that he would click on my site when the description clearly does not represent what he's looking for. A little weird that he got to forty, too. It's normally not that hard to find people breaking things in sport settings. But, meh, what are ya gonna do? Out like the nutrients in white bread. G-Fry Help Needed Faramin is asking everyone to help if they can. Iran had a serious earthquake, and if you can help, it's quite needed. Check his site for updates and information on how to help. Pray for them. G-Fry Thursday, December 25
And A Happy New Year! Afrikaans: Gesëende Kersfees Afrikander: Een Plesierige Kerfees African/ Eritrean/ Tigrinja: Rehus-Beal-Ledeats Albanian:Gezur Krislinjden Arabic: Idah Saidan Wa Sanah Jadidah Argentine: Feliz Navidad Armenian: Shenoraavor Nor Dari yev Pari Gaghand Azeri: Tezze Iliniz Yahsi Olsun Bahasa Malaysia: Selamat Hari Natal Basque: Zorionak eta Urte Berri On! Bengali: Shuvo Naba Barsha Bohemian: Vesele Vanoce Brazilian: Boas Festas e Feliz Ano Novo Breton: Nedeleg laouen na bloavezh mat Bulgarian: Tchestita Koleda; Tchestito Rojdestvo Hristovo Catalan: Bon Nadal i un Bon Any Nou! Chile: Feliz Navidad Chinese: (Cantonese) Gun Tso Sun Tan'Gung Haw Sun Chinese: (Mandarin) Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan (Catonese) Gun Tso Sun Tan'Gung Haw Sun Choctaw: Yukpa, Nitak Hollo Chito Columbia: Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo Cornish: Nadelik looan na looan blethen noweth Corsian: Pace e salute Crazanian: Rot Yikji Dol La Roo Cree: Mitho Makosi Kesikansi Croatian: Sretan Bozic Czech: Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce a stastny Novy Rok Danish: Glædelig Jul Duri: Christmas-e- Shoma Mobarak Dutch: Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! or Zalig Kerstfeast English: Merry Christmas Eskimo: (inupik) Jutdlime pivdluarit ukiortame pivdluaritlo! Esperanto: Gajan Kristnaskon Estonian: Ruumsaid juulup|hi Faeroese: Gledhilig jol og eydnurikt nyggjar! Farsi: Cristmas-e-shoma mobarak bashad Finnish: Hyvaa joulua Flemish: Zalig Kerstfeest en Gelukkig nieuw jaar French: Joyeux Noel Frisian: Noflike Krystdagen en in protte Lok en Seine yn it Nije Jier! Galician: Bo Nada Gaelic: Nollaig chridheil agus Bliadhna mhath ùr! German: Froehliche Weihnachten Greek: Kala Christouyenna! Hausa: Barka da Kirsimatikuma Barka da Sabuwar Shekara! Hawaiian: Mele Kalikimaka Hebrew: Mo'adim Lesimkha. Chena tova Hindi: Shub Naya Baras Hausa: Barka da Kirsimatikuma Barka da Sabuwar Shekara! Hawaian: Mele Kalikimaka ame Hauoli Makahiki Hou! Hungarian: Kellemes Karacsonyi unnepeket Icelandic: Gledileg Jol Indonesian: Selamat Hari Natal Iraqi: Idah Saidan Wa Sanah Jadidah Irish: Nollaig Shona Dhuit, or Nodlaig mhaith chugnat Iroquois: Ojenyunyat Sungwiyadeson honungradon nagwutut. Ojenyunyat osrasay. Italian: Buone Feste Natalizie Japanese: Shinnen omedeto. Kurisumasu Omedeto Jiberish: Mithag Crithagsigathmithags Korean: Sung Tan Chuk Ha Latin: Natale hilare et Annum Faustum! Latvian: Prieci'gus Ziemsve'tkus un Laimi'gu Jauno Gadu! Lausitzian: Wjesole hody a strowe nowe leto Lettish: Priecigus Ziemassvetkus Lithuanian: Linksmu Kaledu Low Saxon: Heughliche Winachten un 'n moi Nijaar Macedonian: Sreken Bozhik Maltese: LL Milied Lt-tajjeb Manx: Nollick ghennal as blein vie noa Maori: Meri Kirihimete Marathi: Shub Naya Varsh Navajo: Merry Keshmish Norwegian: God Jul, or Gledelig Jul Occitan: Pulit nadal e bona annado Papiamento: Bon Pasco Papua New Guinea: Bikpela hamamas blong dispela Krismas na Nupela yia i go long yu Pennsylvania German: En frehlicher Grischtdaag un en hallich Nei Yaahr! Peru: Feliz Navidad y un Venturoso Año Nuevo Philipines: Maligayan Pasko! Polish: Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia or Boze Narodzenie Portuguese:Feliz Natal Pushto: Christmas Aao Ne-way Kaal Mo Mobarak Sha Rapa-Nui (Easter Island): Mata-Ki-Te-Rangi. Te-Pito-O-Te-Henua Rhetian: Bellas festas da nadal e bun onn Romanche: (sursilvan dialect): Legreivlas fiastas da Nadal e bien niev onn! Rumanian: Sarbatori vesele Russian: Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva is Novim Godom Sami: Buorrit Juovllat Samoan: La Maunia Le Kilisimasi Ma Le Tausaga Fou Sardinian: Bonu nadale e prosperu annu nou Serbian: Hristos se rodi Slovakian: Sretan Bozic or Vesele vianoce Sami: Buorrit Juovllat Samoan: La Maunia Le Kilisimasi Ma Le Tausaga Fou Scots Gaelic: Nollaig chridheil huibh Serb-Croatian: Sretam Bozic. Vesela Nova Godina Serbian: Hristos se rodi. Singhalese: Subha nath thalak Vewa. Subha Aluth Awrudhak Vewa Slovak: Vesele Vianoce. A stastlivy Novy Rok Slovene: Vesele Bozicne. Screcno Novo Leto Spanish: Feliz Navidad Swedish: God Jul and (Och) Ett Gott Nytt År Tagalog: Maligayamg Pasko. Masaganang Bagong Taon Tami: Nathar Puthu Varuda Valthukkal Trukeese: (Micronesian) Neekiriisimas annim oo iyer seefe feyiyeech! Thai: Sawadee Pee Mai Turkish: Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun Ukrainian: Srozhdestvom Kristovym Urdu: Naya Saal Mubarak Ho Vietnamese: Chung Mung Giang Sinh Welsh: Nadolig Llawen Yugoslavian: Cestitamo Bozic Yoruba: E ku odun, e ku iye'dun! Wednesday, December 24
It's Good To Be King ![]() I'm in a much better mood now. Apparently, I enjoy putting up the tree more than I realize, because as we were putting ornaments and stuff on, I started thinking about all the other times we've done it and all the reasons that I have the ornaments I do, etc, etc. And then, of course, I put the nutcrackers up. Always gets me in a good mood. This is going to be my last Christmas living here (hypothetically). I'm not really torn up about it or anything. In fact, I don't really feel any which way about it. I guess it's because I realize that, as long as I'm young and close to here, I'll come home whenever free food is offered. At least, free food and gifts. And, yes, I realize that "nutcracker" can be taken in a variety of ways. G-Fry Isn't It Supposed To Be a Good Day? Man. Christmas Eve isn't doin' so hot this year. I'm trying to (finally) put the tree together, but it's retarded in every way it possibly could be. My mom is pissing me off because she seems to want to cancel Christmas this year ("Well, we just don't need a tree, do we? All of my things are in the way, and I'm not going to move them because they are more important!"). That added on to the normal piss-off factor that only mothers can seem to create is creating a smidge of friction betwixt the two of us. And now my counter has blown up, too. If anyone can remember where it was(ish), I will award you two G-Fry Points, redeemable at any Wal-Mart Supercenter. Void where prohibited. G-Fry Tuesday, December 23
Getting in the Holiday Spirit Twas da night befo' Christmas and all in the hood Not a homie was stirring cuz it was all good The tube socks was hung on the window sill and we all had smiles up on our grill Mookie and BeBe was snug in the crib in the back bedroom cuz that's how we live and moms in her do-rag and me with my nine had just gotten busy cuz girlfriend is fine All of a sudden a lowrider rolled by Bumpin phat beats cuz the system's fly I bounced to the window at a quarter pas' Bout ready to pop a cap in somebody's-- well anyway I yelled to my lady, Yo peep this! She said, Stop frontin just mind yo' bidness I said, for real doe, come check dis out We weren't even buggin, no worries, no doubt Cuz bumpin an thumpin' from around da way Was Santa, 8 reindeer and a sleigh Da beats was kickin, da ride was phat I said, Yo red Dawg, you all that! Brought to you by Jenna. G-Fry Just One More Thing I think you should know. Just because a link isn't in the highly coveted "Cool Sites" section of my page doesn't mean they're not cool. Lots of them pee their pants! So go check them out! Those aren't all the good'uns, either. Just click a couple. It's fun! And I promise, no Dan down there! I took him out. Little bastard. Screw you, too! G-Fry Nonsensical Nothings I'm not old enough to get drunk, and I live at home, so it's not like I can wander around waving a bottle of vodka in my hand, legal or not. That last sentence goes to show what I'm going for: I don't get drunk, but I'm very odd when I get sleepy. So I was wandering around on the aussie chicks' pages, and I noticed that I never seem to update. Odd, you might say, since I've spent an exponentially increasing amount of time on this stupid computer since I met that Quietwater gang. But, for some reason, Blogroll (or whatever the hell the thing is) doesn't like me and so never lets anyone know if I've updated my page. What a bastard. I also curse more when I get tired. I also noticed that Helen has me in asterisks. I think that might mean something. Even if it doesn't, I'm still above you guys. So HA! And screw your mother. I was thinking about what kind of drunk I'd be today. Some of us were discussing being drunk, and, as I've never had the pleasure of throwing up in a rosebush, I had nothing to say about it. However, from the times that I have drank (my parents gave it to me and other goody-goody, fine 'n dandy examples), I've always hunkered down into my chair, became slightly sleepy, and talked more than I should. In fact, I remember one time I made a reference to giving a baby some Cuarenta y Seis, or something of the like. I liked that stuff, too. Tasty. It helps that my dad gets free alcohol with his job. We get all kinds of good stuff. Christmas is coming up, and we get to drink something. Sounds a little pathetic, me going on about "getting" to drink, especially since I know how easy it is to get drunk in this city, no matter what age you are. Hell, my parents don't get home till at least six every day, and sometimes I'm home by one thirty. But why don't I? Because I'm trustworthy, that's why! Which reminds me, I watched Better Luck Tomorrow with Traci tonight. Eh. Not as good as I thought it would be, but it ties in with the whole trust thing. I think I'm going to bed. If you're on this hemisphere, you go to bed, too. If you're not, go to work or something. I smell roses. G-Fry Monday, December 22
Recap Today was pleasant. It's not over yet, but I figure if I really feel the need to let you know more about it later, I will. I got to hang out with Kayna and Jim, which was veddy veddy nice. We went to Akbar's, an Indian restaurant. They had a friend with them that I'd met before, but hadn't ever really talked to. Stephanie. She was cute. And cool. We perused the Frisco mall for a while, and I looked at House of God while we were at Barnes and Nobles. Looks pretty good. Amazing how often they mention how alike it is to Catch-22 all over the book. Next time I hit up the library, I'll check it out. Or if I ever get money, I'll just buy it. I wonder what makes people enjoy a specific type of music. I mean, I sometimes don't understand that other people don't like something. I like pretty much all music, country and most rap excluded (Lil Bow Wow is my homey). So when someone says "oh, I can't stand that band," I just wonder why. Bands I hate off the top of my head: Nickelback (with a fiery passion that cannot be quenched), Nelly (crappy, annoying rap), and A Simple Plan (very annoying, gets stuck in my head). So, really, the only bands that I hate are the ones that make songs that I don't like, because they're repetitive, stupid, or the singer's voice is annoying, and when they make a song that gets stuck in my head. I hate those. Normally, I like Rufio, but sometimes, they annoy me because their songs get stuck in me noggin. Not pleasant. Bands I need to check out/listen to more: Coheed and Cambria, Deathcab For Cutie, and everything else in Ashley's cd case. She's got a lot of kickass music that I don't know about but should. I just ate a lot of peaches. G-Fry No Doubt: It's Not Just a Band Anymore The more I read, the more I'm diggin' on Human First. I especially like this one. Succint, but definately gets across a buff little message. Headed for bedded. G-Fry Sunday, December 21
I Guess It's a Two Parter I've decided that it bothers me that Lindsey won't call me back. I haven't gone stalker style on her or anything. In fact, I haven't called her back at all since...that last time. She knows that I called, because she has that little spy person that keeps checking up on me (side note: if you're gonna keep reading this, would you please tell me who you are?) and caller ID. It just seems that, you know, a phone call to formally reject me doesn't seem that much to ask for. Seems a little stupid, I guess. Why do I keep writing about this? I'm fine unless I start thinking about it. Then I get that gnawing/tearing feeling in my chest. I guess I'm a stupid teenager. Oh, well. Maybe if I blame the hormones... G-Fry Where Did All My Friends Go? I just realized today that all of the people that used to comment (every once in a while) no longer do so. All of the people I know in real life have nothing to say about my life. Seems a little odd...especially since none of them talk about this thing face to face. I mean, that would nullify the need for their comments online. But there is no mention of it. Hmm. I guess we'll have an online brawl for "best friend" status. G-Fry Faces in the Gridlock I was driving back from my Christmas shopping today when it suddenly dawned on me that there were all these people around me and I didn't know a single one of them. I was driving through this mass of people and none of them would look at me. I can connect with more people online, where I don't see faces, where I can't wave, than I can in real life on the road. It seemed so stupid. But if we connected with everyone we saw, we couldn't very well have war, now could we? We wouldn't want to get rid of all the good stuff in life. G-Fry Life Etc. I watched High Fidelity last night. I finished the book a few days ago. It was pretty good. Ended with a little more happiness than it started with. The movie was pretty good, too. Funny. And the dialogue is practically straight fromt the novel. A little strange to watch, actually. So, I went to a couple of libraries today to find some books to read over the break. I got a couple (but still didn't find Fight Club). Let's see...Don Quixote, Tale of Two Cities, and X20. The last one is about a guy that's quitting smoking and writing to keep from thinking about it. I've started it. It's all right. I don't know what else to get. I forgot what Cody suggested and I couldn't get to the internet, and I forgot what else I want to read (except for The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and they didn't have that), so I just got a couple books that I knew of. Any suggestions would be 'preciated. It took me an hour to find the second (Allen's library sucks) library. What's worse is that I must have driven past it at least three times. My dad told me where it was, I remembered correctly where it was, and I got to where it was. My main problem was the ability to see a HUGE ASS BUILDING WITH LOTS OF BOOKS IN IT. I saw the K-8 prep school, the high school, and the church all before, before, and after the HUGE ASS BUILDING WITH LOTS OF BOOKS IN IT, but for some reason, I could not see that stupid HUGE ASS BUILDING. I drove my mother's car to get there. I like it better. It's a standard, and, even though the stereo sucks, I like standards. So I took it. The growing problem that I'm having with it is her steering wheel cover. I just don't feel all that manly driving around with a leopard print steering wheel cover in my face. I haven't noticed any laughing and pointing over it or anything, but it does seem to chip away at my mental masculinity. Wowsa. I feel dang good right now. I was just informed that three, count 'em, THREE girls classified me as "hot." I don't believe that's ever happened before. It's always nice to be appreciated. G-Fry Saturday, December 20
GWear I do a lot of my thinking as I'm falling asleep. This sometimes leads to weird ideas. Like how to feed an actual army using only the supplies in my kitchen. One idea I came up with recently was GWear (or something of the like). I thought that it would be fun to make t-shirts with something G-Fry-esque on it and put 'em up for sale. Or give them away as gifts. But, like I said, I only come up with weird stuff at night. This kid keeps staring at me... G-Fry I Bet You Think This Song Is About You Holy crap! Dan is really freakin' vain. And no, I'm not going to link his name there. He is apparently obsessed with hits, so I've taken him off my page. Here is his weirdo post about being awesome:
Admit it, this is a great up and coming blog and I will be BIG next year (at the rate I'm going I'll be big by the end of this year. The 2003 Warblogger Awards - Right Wing News (Conservative News and Views) P.S. I guess they were right about Instapudnit being overrated though, man I wish I got linked from him, doesn't matter, the blog is full of other peoples opinions and nothing in the way of commentary you get here or just about ANY OTHER BLOG ON THE INTERNET! Everyone that has a Dan link, take it off. He's obsessed with something that doesn't really matter. If he cared about his views nearly as much as how much people "liked" him (apparently, we get him more hits than people that agree with him), he'd stop talking about his counter and talk about his spit-up views. Rejoinin' the Dan-Bashing Bandwagon. G-Fry I Thought I Was Odd We went to Spaghetti Warehouse for dinner tonight. One of the hostesses was a little freaky. She wasn't the one that sat us, so it wasn't like we'd talked to her or anything like that. But she decided that it would be fun to stare at our table every time she walked by. The first time was reasonable, as Bill was spinning his fingers upward in the air screaming "Catfish Olympics." But after that, it was just weird. With that annoying smirk that only obnoxious people can pull off, too. G-Fry I Used To Be A Nerd! Now I can't even get Hotmail to work. I'm trying to e-mail Belle, but the e-mail is all screwy. Or something like that. Well, that seems odd. But it has to work, because she keeps mentioning e-mails from readers. If you figure out how to make it work, let me know. G-Fry Dawson's Creek: Season Finale? Well, I called Lindsey again yesterday. She hasn't called me back. Oh, well. I guess she just wants to avoid it, hope I got the message through her blog. I've done the avoidy thing before. It works, I suppose. This whole episode of....stuff....has made me just not really care anymore with Nicole. It probably wouldn't have really worked, anyway. She's so random, I don't know how she sustains relationships when she does have them. In the humble words of Andy, though: "I'd still make out with her." That's good ol' fashioned chivalry, right there. If you feel that you must post comments on Lindsey's site, please be polite. G-Fry I Like Brand New I can't think of a good title, so I'm just letting you know. I'm tired. I went to four hours of class again today, and normally that's fine. But today, the first hour had more activity than normal. It didn't help that my entire uniform stank to high heaven. I hate it when I have to deal with really stinky people, so I hate it even more when I'm a stinky people. I understand that sweating and all that is part of the whole working out deal. But there's always that one guy that starts sweating when he looks at his uniform. On the plus side of that, it's hard to keep a hold on him when he's in a fight. Well, plus for him, anyway. Manfred almost crashed. G-Fry What Did Maine Do To Me?! That Gender Genie thing that Jason found decided that I was female. Only by about forty points though. 834 to 791. I think it decided that because of the post. I put up the one where I whined about stress. Just goes to show you that complaining is a trait found characteristically in women... They get you hit by cars, too. G-Fry Friday, December 19
Now, That's Definately a Pleasurable Sen-SA-tion! Oh, snap. Over on, there's an icon on the right side. Click it. It's takes you to a map that allows you to view cool blogs. Very snazzy, and a helpful little tool, if I do say so myself. And I will. G-Fry Ninja Reader I wonder who was the one that reads this thing and told Lindsey. I mean, that would mean that someone reads it regularly, right? What are the chances that they just "happened" upon it? And I know that Kathy knows about it, but why would she read it on any kind of basis? At least, I think that KD is her. Sounds right to me. Oh, well. Really, this is just my way of trying to get an answer from them. So....who are you? Just curious. G-Fry Safety First Well, from the looks of it, the situation is just about over, so I suppose I can let you guys know what's going on without looking like I'm trying to fix it on the Internet. Lindsey, former girlfriend extraordinaire, got, as she said, "confuzzled" at my post concerning our previous relationship. I then got confuzzled, as I started thinking about how nice it would be to continue said relationship. Then I got all crazy about how I sounded like an ass. Lindsey and I talked, and I got the impression that she was iffy on either side (the other side being her, I think, very new boyfriend), and then there was her post, which doesn't really lend itself to being iffy. No, I would say that lends itself to being a more definitive "eh" on the idea of going out again. But I'm alright. I do this. I get moody every once in a while, but it's normally just for a day or so. This is not to say that I wouldn't mind getting back together with the Lindster. In fact, I'd dig it just as much as I would have at the beginning of all this Dawson's Creek madness. But I'm pretty sure I can contain my melancholy teenage outbursts now. Whoo! Well, wasn't that exciting? And to think, some of my stupid contemporaries do this kind of crap all the time. Bunch of idiots. Typing with links is confusing. Thursday, December 18
Who Needs Work? I'm depending on you people. I'm sitting here, being totally dorky, trying to find out who will be G-Fry's 1000th visitor, and NO ONE IS COMING. Not a person. In the last....minutes. Man. I was gonna give a prize or something, but since you guys are so unenthusiastic, you can just buy youself something from the dollar store! Buncha lousy, no good, beatnik hippie kids. G-Fry On With the Fascists! Commie is dead. I killed him. And shot his mother. Fast Talk Fascist is in style now. Long live Haloscan! Or at least, down with Enetation. G-Fry Death to Commie Commie the Comment, that is. Because I think he died. Him, his family, and all his friends. Enetation is down. Or gone. Or whatever. It won't come up as a page. I hope no one but Evan put anything inspirational in the last few entries, cuz I think they're gone... Pbblttt. G-Fry Alright, That's It I can't stand it. I can't wait for her to call for me to explain why I sound like such an ass. I used the stupid "hehe" word/phrase because it was the only thing I could type that would even moderately resemble what I was thinking. It wasn't suppoesed to be.....ANYTHING! It was supposed to be something that I said. That's all. I was remembering the us, the relationship, I was remembering it, and I was smiling. Because we were good together. It wasn't supposed to be an assy thing to say, but the more I look at it, the more I think about it, the more it is. Seems. Is. Always, whenever I do anything relationshipy, I always say something stupid, something assy that I have to apologize for. Pisses me off. At myself. I hate myself for it. Rototiller ribcage. G-Fry Situation Doesn't Look Promising I don't think it's me.
I have no idea how she feels, in case you're wondering. G-Fry Damnitall There's no way to smile serenly online. It makes you sound like an ass when you say shit like "hehe." Dumbass. It's her call. I hope I'm it. G-Fry James Bond Style Sorry about the cryptic crap down there. But I'm still not telling you what it's about. Not here. I want to work this out in real life. I'd have to be really stupid and wimpy to want to do this here. Obviously, it's about a girl. G-Fry Wednesday, December 17
Data Overload, or Something Hoaky I can't sleep. I don't want to, anyway. And I know that it's gonna be until the afternoon that I can do anything about it. Anything. That drives me crazy. Damnit. I didn't think it would do this, or anything like this, damnit. Damnit. And I'm an ass, too. Cryptic crosswords... G-Fry Tuesday, December 16
I'm Sad That I'm Flying Good Lord. A book has never depressed me this much. I don't even think that it's all the book. Maybe I'm just tired today. Maybe I'm sad about....all the crap a teenager is supposed to be sad about. But High Fidelity sure as hell isn't helping me feel better. It's so fucking sad. And I don't like to use that word, but it's the absolute best adjective for it. It's fucking sad. It gives me a face, a person, an identity to link up to and see that not everyone finds someone, not everyone is happy, not everyone gets what they want. The world can suck, and does, for thousand, hundred of thousands, millions of people. And no matter what, you can end up one of those people. It's fucking sad. And it made me want to just go out and have sex with some random girl, anybody, just to feel that I might be close to someone, for just a minute. Makes it easy to see how people get pulled into that. I even started scouting out girls that looked my age at Barnes and Nobles. Just to see if maybe they'd pay attention to me, maybe I could talk to them, find out something about them, know them, anything. God. This book is too good to leave alone, too. Fucking sad. Friends didn't even help this time. G-Fry Whoa... So I checked out Drama Queen's site. I mean, hey, it's on Quietwater, and Maine's not too nice with his reviews. So it's probably pretty cool. I checked it out and I'm already listed under "Blogs n Friends." Well. I guess I'm friendlier than I knew. Are all aussies cute? G-Fry Reading List It's pretty much officially winter break. I've decided that I want to read more, so I've stocked up on some books. I finished Catch-22, so now I can read whatever. I've started Frankenstein for Phoenix, but today I got a little ways into High Fidelity. Not too shabby. After I'm done, I can go watch the movie. Never have seen that. I've also got A History of the Isreali-Palestinian Conflict, The Works of Voltaire, and some other novel that I'd never heard of. It looked alright, so I got it. Meh. Maybe it'll be good. Hopefully I'll read this break. I really do want to read more, I just kinda freak when I only do one thing at a time now. Stupid school and college conditioning crap. Maybe I'll go read. G-Fry Who's a HO? Man. I suck. We weren't doing anything in calculus today (because we're DONE WITH THE SEMESTER), and somehow, Teisha, Gretchen, and I found ourselves on the topic of "how many have you kissed?" And I suck. They had twelve. Twelve. In high school. They didn't even know some of them. I was fat for too freaking long. I'm so behind on all that crap....oh, well. It got me thinking. We were talking about good and bad kisses, and that (of course) made me think of Lindsey. That was some good times. Really good times. Hehe. I don't know what else to tell you. Except that I've got a damn good reason to like Lovespell. Damn. Good. Hehe. G-Fry Monday, December 15
Thinkerin' is Hard Twice now I've come up with the same topic that I want to talk about in here. But both times I am not here. And so both times I think to myself, "remember it for later." And both times (obviously, or I wouldn't be wasting your time like this) I have forgotten. We played more poker. I lost three bucks. Meh. Then we played Halo. I enjoyed. Here's a question. One of the conservative guys (and when I say conservative, I mean the Nazi leading Dan into battle: direct quote from him: "All gays should have a brand put on their forhead." Then he said something about killing them.) that I know in my no-longer Government class postulated to me today that Bush now has the election won, basing his statement on the Saddam capture. I told him that he was right if Bush also found Osama. I'm hoping I'm right, and that he finds Osama. I don't want Bush out bad enough to kill other people. G-Fry You Guys Suck I spent a while clicking on the recently published blogs on Blogger, and, I've gotta say, most people shouldn't be allowed to put stuff on the Internet. Pretty much everything I clicked on sucked. Some were downright scary. One chick sounded as if she was gonna kill herself any day now. That one made me sad. And there was no e-mail, but I think that if I e-mailed her, I would have said something stupid that would have made her more depressed. What shall I do for a BOTD? G-Fry Technology is Stupid My mom just got a digital camera from her work. She got it cheap and relatively unused. Both good things. She didn't even pay real money for it. The company gave her a few hundred dollars to use (in the company, of course), and she spent a couple hundred on this PIECE OF SHIT. I can't make the stupid thing hook up to the computer! No, it'll hook to the computer, but it won't do anything. It just sits there being a POS. It attempts to make itself into a drive so that I can get pictures on here, but then it says that, no, it would rather not do that. Stupid camera. I think it's Maine's fault. G-Fry Speak It, Yo This is pretty cool. You go and type for one minute about a word. Kind of a snazzy idea. I don't think I'd read anyone else's, but I might do it again for me. Brought to you by this chick. G-Fry A Little Relaxation I finished up my chem test today. It wasn't too bad. Prolly did okay. There was only multiple choice and net ionic equations, no free response, which is a semi-bad thing. I normally do alright on the free response. The test helped me realize that I really don't have that much to do. I need to write a couple essays in a two and a half week period. That's really about it. So, nothing too hard. I'm a little more relaxed. Which is always nice. On Saturday, we played poker over at the Hoover house. We play often, but for low stakes (ie: dimes and quarters). Someone got the kickass idea to play for higher stakes: $50 minimum buy-in. It's gonna be a buttload of fun. I've been doing well recently, so I'm hoping to leave up. On fifty bucks. How cool would that be? It's gonna happen sometime after Christmas, and we're gonna have somewhere around a dozen people. Two tables. Schwing. It got me thinkering. Why is gambling illegal? And I'm not talking historically, because that's obvious. I mean, why does it continue to be illegal? It's stupid. There's no one hurt by gambling, unless you suck it up and can't stop. That's something that's going to happen whether it's legal or not, so it might as well be legal. Prostitution, too. You could tax it and make some cash. Same with drugs. If the gov taxed PCP like cigs, they'd rake in some serious dough. You just put 'em in Eckerd with a box that gives their intended effects and their nasty little side effects, then watch the cash flow in. They'd prolly make more money on it than what they're selling back to cartels. Someone wrote an essay on it once. I don't remember who, but it was good. We need to set up a friendly online game of poker. G-Fry Sunday, December 14
Pullin' A Maine I'm listening to the Burden Brothers cd. It's alright. I guess. I'm glad that I didn't buy it, cuz I prolly would have been a little angry about it. Some of the songs are alright. I guess. What really made me not like the cd is the fact that the "Beautiful Night" song isn't the one they play on the radio. It's slower. So I'm sitting through the whole thing, trying to push to tempo. Bah. All in all, the cd left me unsatisfied. I saw The Last Samurai on Friday. It was sweet....right up until the last few minutes. Cool fightin' scenes, they got the whole honor and dignity message across without too much cornyness. Then came the end. I'm not gonna tell you exactly what happens, but dangit, you don't live when you get shot that much! The only reason I stayed the last five minutes was because I figured, hey, I'd come this far, I might as well finish it off. Even if it SUCKS. Now I'm gonna go review my mom's chicken and dumplings. And if you guys get all nasty and perverted with that, I'll smack the crap out of you. Buncha savages. G-Fry Grrr... So, I'm sitting here eating creamy chicken flavored study food when I should actually be studying. You know what? I was gonna vent and whine on here about my college crap stress level, but you've heard enough of that. I've heard enough of that. Stupid whiner. G-Fry I Like This Guy Cody cracks me up. I found his site randomly on the side of Blogger, and have enjoyed every entry since. And I just read "100 Things About Cody." Since it will not allow me to comment, I'm gonna give it a Trackback. And if you haven't already gone to check out his're a loser. Word to my peeps, yo. G-Fry Saturday, December 13
What the Crap Just Happened? I know that I said that I wouldn't bitch about me being a pansy, but that was about me not doing anything. And I kind of finally did. Kind of. We hung out pretty much all day today, with and without other people. She was leaving Andy's house and I walked out with her saying that I was going home. And I did, but anyway...I got out there, and asked if she wanted me to get the reservations we talked about at a restaurant that would be free. And she asked if I could get anyone else to go. I said something about not being able to cover that many people, and about the same time I said, "Plus, I wanted it to be just us," she said something about them paying for themselves. I think she caught it though, and she didn't say anything. We talked for a second more, and then she hugged me again and left. Well, step one, I guess. Now I have to talk to her about it and tell her what I want the dinner to be. Wish me luck. This has been a long day. G-Fry I Got Beat by the Mayor Manfred and I just finished up the 5K we signed up for. It was a good time. And I made a decent time, too. I think it's decent, anyway. 26:18. The fastest was 16:12, or something in the sixteen area. Manfred had to walk a little bit and made a 28:20. It was pretty good. Cold, too. I'm fixing up some spaghetti and then heading out to martial arts for an hour. I just hope we're doing technique today and not workout. That'd suck... My hands look dead. G-Fry Friday, December 12
Friday and Poppyseed ![]() I also decided that I'm done whining to you guys about how big a pansyass I am. Sorry if you're enjoying my pitiful mortification, but I'm sick of whining about it. I need to suck it up and either ask her out or just grab her face and kiss her. I like the latter, but there is that pansy thing again... Manfred and I are running that 5K tomorrow. Hopefully. The weather here is absolutely dreadful, just DREADFUL I tell you, and we can't seem to find our fine china plates. Daaaahling, I just don't know what I'm going to do without those china plates! Me oh my! That reminds me of the lady that runs the Allen Philharmonic. She kind of runs around, shaking everyone's hand (well, the ones that are "important"), and makes a big fuss out of an evening out. I guess maybe there's a social "elite" floating around Allen that I was unaware of. They probably give the Philharmonic their (happy that time?) money, so I suppose it's beaureaucratic (sp?) and stuff to do all that. But it just seems so....I don't know, useless. I mean, when everything is done and everyone is dead, what does it matter that rich people in dead animals gave you money? I guess that our culture has to keep going, but I've been categorizing and prioritizing what I feel to be important around here (here being "the world), and I just don't see that as too high up. In my self-centered world, I consider learning most important. But what are some of the things I learn about? Music and culture. Sigh. I guess I am just a stupid, egotistical teenager. Woe is me again. I'm not really woeing, I hope you know. G-Fry Thursday, December 11
Everything Blows So, it's occured to me that my stress is my fault. I'm putting it all on myself. Normally, I'm a pretty laid back guy. I'm not apathetic, really, but it's more of a state of accepting what I can/will do in order to get something done. In the past few days, I've been freaking out because I haven't done anything for a while. Well, now I'm doing what I can. And yet I still freak. Maybe it's just finals (which I don't have to take) looming. Maybe I'm used to the end of a semester being crazy, so I'm making it insane since it's sane-ish. Or maybe it's college crap. I'm leaning towards this one. Deciding the rest of my life...if I decide to become a teacher, what are the percentages that go on to teach in college? And how many of them went to a state school, cuz that's what G-Fry's prolly lookin' at. We just don't have the fundage to put both of us through at the same time without full or almost full scholarships. So...oh, yeah, this is it. I'm thinking about it, and my chest is getting all tight. God, I hate this. I almost wish that I'd just stop and only apply to Austin and TCU and just leave it at that. No, I wish that I had already chosen and that my life wasn't a series of problematic questions and choices. I wish that it were just like high school, sturdy, scheduled, and pre-decided. Even if I don't like the decisions, it's nice to turn over the hefty things to other people. Sigh. Sigh. I don't know what else to type. I've said all this before, so it really won't do me a whole lot more good to say it again. I know that it freaks me out to make decisions. I've never had to make them before. It just seems like everyone else can make them easily. I'm probably wrong. That happens a lot, except in classrooms. Maybe that's why I want to be a teacher. So that I can stay in the classroom. Maybe I wouldn't be a very good teacher. I don't plan well, really. I enjoy teaching at Unlimited Success, but I don't have to plan anything. I can just take things as they come. Maybe I want to be a counselour. Or maybe I want to stay at USMA for the rest of my life. Definately not the latter. That's in Allen. I'm against Allen. Been here too long. Speaking of long....God, I just hate this feeling in my chest, you know? You just feel this tension and anxiety bearing down on you, and that makes you more anxious and crap. I'm just.....I'm ready. Let's go. I'm sick of writing every song about you... G-Fry Inner Pieces I just tried meditating again. It's difficult with my family out here laughing and talking and stuff, so I only did it for about ten minutes. But for a while in there I think I got it. I just got lost in me and stuff. I'm feeling a little more centered, but not so centered that I can think about school without freaking a little bit. I didn't really study today. Huh. I worked quite a bit, but very small studyage. Interesting. I only looked over the calculus and glanced at Euro. I think I'm prolly good on the history though, cuz I know a lost of what I looked at. And calculus is normally easy. The test is only over three sections. I'll just kind of wing it a little bit tomorrow. I got my optional sheet done for TCU today. That was where a lot of my time went. If it didn't get done today, I wouldn't have done it. Bad things since it's due on Monday. It's gotta get mailed Saturday so it can be there on time, and if it didn't happen today it wasn't going to happen. So I finished all the TCU crap up. Okay. Centered-ish. It feels kind nice. G-Fry ehhHaaaa So, Nicole and I went to Tai Chi today. That was good. It relaxed me from my overdrive anxiety state. We get back to my house and talk for a little while out front, and I ask what she's doing this weekend. Step one. She says she doesn't know. Good. About to move on to the important step and she says, "but I'll call you if I'm not doing anything." Hmm. It doesn't probably mean anything, but it kinda gave me few places to go with the ask outage. Well, now that I think about it, I guess I just could have side-stepped that completely, huh? Dang. I just gave myself another excuse. Pbbblt. I think that's a good way to end it. Pbbblt. G-Fry Wednesday, December 10
Whoo... I finally cracked down on the homework. I've been using this and other excuses to put it off, but I finally broke down and did it. I got quite a bit done. For both A and B days. I feel a little better. Tomorrow morning, Manfred and I are leaving early to attend a meeting about Phoenix's annual simulation, where, for one whole school day, all of the Phoenix kids get out of class and recreate something. Ellis Island, a day in the life of a soldier, and the 60's have all been done. Those types of things. And Manfred and I are on the Council this year to decide what we're gonna do. If any of you guys have any ideas to bring to the table, that'd be cool, too. I'm going to sleep. G-Fry You'd Think So, Wouldn't You? One would postulate that a senior, exempt from all of his semester exams, would have very little to do in the last week of school. Unfortunately, one would be wrong. I've got tests out the ying yang, a voluntary semester exam that I'm taking (in the most difficult class, no less), and all this college shit that JUST KEEPS PILING UP!!!! That dream with the weird blue light in the detacable pinky? Teisha told me that the blue light symbolizes a stress in my life and the removable finger means that I want to take something out of my life, something undesirable. Like stress. Like school. The main problem is that I want school to be done. But it can't be done, because then I would be screwed with this college shit. Kind of ironic that I'm reading Catch-22 at the same time... Yossarin meets high school. G-Fry Tuesday, December 9
Ahhhhhhh. I'm sitting here, listening to Blue October drinking apple cider. I feel as close to wonderful as I'm going to come right now since I don't have time to meditate before I hit the sack. It's nice to just relax and chill, even when you can't afford to. Are you noticing all these contradictions? I'm pretty sure I'm a type A personality: constant go mode. If I'm not doing something, I'm spazzing because something could be getting done. But right now, I'm trying to just let the cider warm me. And it's doing a dang good job. I had a dream last night. A couple actually. One involved my right pinky knuckle becoming detachable with a blue light shining from inside, along with some mechanical stuff and arteries. Another involved a murder/mystery of a little girl in a small town. Yet another involved driving fast and I think a Burger King? Another one, although I don't remember all the details, even though I made a drowsy promise to myself that I would, involved the people over at Quietwater. They came down here and talked to me and showed me Quietwater. I'm pretty sure. Sounds right, anyway. It shows how I'm letting this blogging thing take over my life. If I had time to do this as often as I actually do, I wouldn't be nearly as stressed as I am. But I'm not that badly stressed anyway. G-Fry Oops, He Did It Again Well, Manfred and Eric decided that giving up was not something they were willing to do. So, for their next trick, they put Manfred on a tree. I don't know how long Eric left him dangling there, but here it is: Manfred strapped to a tree. ![]() Whee! G-Fry Well, Confound It! For some reason, Blogger is freaking out. I can't get to the template in any of my sites. I wanted to go and put Brink of Disaster on the perm part and add a couple more sites on the BOTD.... Why am I telling you this? That's rather pointless and annoying, isn't it? Hmm. Oh, well. On with the show. I finished up my IS. Well, pretty much. I have to go and change a diaper whenever the need arises. Then I'm done. That should be a good time, eh? I realized at about four o' clock today that, yes, I could do calculus homework, but why? I don't have a test tomorrow like everyone else, I have a doctor's appointment! Oh, stupid, non-working body, how I love thee. I really probably should do some anyway, but it's pretty doubtful that any is gonna get done. Manfred got taped to a tree! G-Fry Ow... So, I was biking up to Thomas' house so that I could knock out a couple of things for the IS. I'm biking on the sidewalk, not pissing any cars off, when suddenly, Teisha yells "Hey!" out of the car she's driving by me. Not a bad thing, normally. A girl taking notice of your existence is normally appreciated, you know? However, this time, it was slightly unpleasant, because a guy in a white Grand Prix decides that that is the exact perfect moment to pull out of the alley I am now passing without looking in front of me. So, of course, we collide. I swerve a little, avoid flying over his front scoop, slide along the bumper, and fall off my bike onto the grass. You know that entry I just made, ranting about suing people? Before I even hit the ground, I thought, "Oh, shit, we can't afford this." Well, it turns out that he was a little more concerned about me not suing him. He got out, slowly, asked if I was alright, and told me that it didn't matter that I had scratched up the front of his car. And this car was clean. I mean, white as snow, and shinier, too. I think he might wax it. So for him to be telling me that it was alright must have been fear. Oh, well. We were both okay. The wind was going hardcore against me, plus I was going uphill, so I wasn't going too fast (hence the ol' dodge and swipe). My knee is gonna bruise, but that's about it. All and all, a good bike ride. Maybe I'll develop a limp, find the guy, and make millions. G-Fry That's My Bad, Guys Actually...not really. The BOTD'swere the same yesterday. Sorry bout that. But Blogger freaked on me yesterday when I was trying to fix it. It's a good thing, though. The blogger I found didn't want their blog published. So, I'm off to find another one. Just for you. G-Fry America is Stupid Why do people have to be so dumb? I'm sitting here reading an article in Newsweek about how America sues too much. I've always ranted about it and called suing for minute things ridiculous. But I had no idea what some people were pulling off. A priest that won't hug. A doctor quitting what he loves. A coach in a fight for her job. People suing for getting struck by lightning?! Getting bit by a goose in a park!? That guy won $10,000! For what? It was probably his fault he got bit on the ass by a goose! He was probably chasing it around screaming about humping it or something. God. Bunch of dumbasses. G-Fry Monday, December 8
On the Tip of My Tongue I had something that I was going to talk about in here, but I've lost it now. So it's just gonna be a little bit of talking this time. I got an envelope in the mail today from Austin College. I saw it and kind of freaked a little bit. I thought that it might be a letter about my acceptance, and then I thought, "holy crap, no way, that's too soon." And you know the next thing that flew threw my head, right before I tore it open (seriously: I went velociraptor on it)? "One more thing for the IS. I think that means that I really need to get this project finished and behind me. When it interupts my thoughts concerning my's just time to go away. I played with nunchakus on Saturday. I can't wait until I get mine for Christmas. It's gonna be off the hizzy. Word to your mother. They are quite fun to play with, although the left hand is gonna take some work. Have I already told you this before? It feels strangely familiar... I think I'm gonna go start stretching for that 10 mile run I'm trying. It's gonna be a wee bit on the difficult side, if I even finish. And I'm gonna be tired tomorrow. Plus I'm not eating tomorrow. Hmm. I guess I should eat a lot tonight? Oh, well. I'm sure I can make it through one day without food. Please don't put my brother into digital porn. G-Fry Back to the Wall For the independant study (due Wednesday....HELP!), we (Eric and I) duct taped Manfred to the brick wall out behind our house. Here's some pictures. He wasn't able to stay up when we pulled the box down, but I think that might be in part because Eric yanked it and Manfred out from the wall. Anywho, here's plastered Manfred: ![]() Right before we pulled the box out... ![]() Oh, no! He fell down! ![]() Maybe we can still make this work... ![]() Run away! Run away! ![]() Oh my God! It's Bigfoot! Thank God for TV. G-Fry Sunday, December 7
Wow So I'm going back on my procrastination embargo. Sue me. I just read an old entry from Jim's site. It's short. He typed it when he realized that his summer was no longer summer. It was life. Here's the entry in full:
That's...frightening. G-Fry Saturday, December 6
Meandering Mindlessness Went to the Allen Philharmonic's Christmas concert tonight. I ushered and helped tear down, so I'll be gettin some money for it, too. Always a pleasant extra. A new thing to add to the IS, too. They played a piece that we played on Thursday. It was at the actual tempo, and without as many errors. Expected, but a smidge saddening. We didn't do so hot on Thursday. But next semester is gonna be sweet. We're playing Mars (Holtz) and Pictures at an Exhibition (Mussorgsky), but just the last two on Pictures. It's gonna be tizight, g. Word to your peeps. I can't wait for Christmas to get here. I went to class this morning, and in the first one we played with nunchakus. Pimp. Between each class I picked them up again and started playing. I can't wait to get my own pair. Only problem is that my left arm is gonna take work. Work never quite feels the same as fun. But I'll get over it, and then it will be fun. Speaking of my left arm, it's all jacked up. Since we forgot that orthopedist appointment last week (wow, it's only been one week since Thanksgiving?), we scheduled another one for this Wednesday. I get to skip a calc test for it. Wahoo! Always nice to have an extra day or two. I don't know what's wrong with my arm. It's starting to hurt more and more often, especially in the morning. But, hey, it could be worse. At least I know it's not cancer or anything serious. Just some busted up muscles. I sure hope he gives me physical therapy, cuz I'm just straight up not getting surgery until after I get my second Dan. Period. I'm testing in April if I possibly can, and I'll hurt my ass off if I have to. That would really be shoulder, wouldn't it? G-Fry I've Never Heard the Phrase "One Handed Computer Jockey Before VixenLove. Hehe. That's good stuff. And a good idea. It's linked to the info page. I'm sure you're smart enough to find your way around from there. There's so many perverts out there. G-Fry Why Do I Have to Be Such a Pansyass? Why do I have to be such a pansyass? Nicole and I hung out today. Alone (as soon as Manfred bailed...grr...). So it was just her and me, hanging out, talking and stuff. We ran from her house to mine and at the end I was just like (in my head of course....I'm too big a pansyass to actually say anything aloud) "Ask her out. Ask her out. You won't have many other chances like this. Ask her out." You know what I did do? I said goodbye. DUMBASS! It doesn't help that I've never been rejected. Only reason for that, though, is that I wait until I pretty much know what the answer is going to be beforehand. I can read people okay, so I can figure out when a girl is flirting with me and when I'm good for the asking. But with Nicole....there's no way to be sure. Sometimes I'm sure, sometimes I'm more than iffy. Damnit, why do I have to be such a pansyass?!? Suck it up, idiot! G-Fry Friday, December 5
Failing Miserably Holy crap. I found this on Breakfast Tacos. Go to Google, type "Miserable Failure" into the search field, then hit "I'm Feeling Lucky." You're in for a good laugh. Whoo! G-Fry Now and Later I've been given/come up with a few ideas for my independant study. Jim came up with the idea of experiencing a day of life without the use of my right hand. Cover it with a paper bag and consider it gone. Interesting. Probably Monday. I'm also fasting on Monday. Then, there's the run that I've written about. Signing up for that soon. As soon as I'm done with this, I'm going to look for a homeless shelter or soup kitchen or something like that to volunteer for tomorrow. I think I may also try to run 13.1 miles at the gym, too. Just to see if I could have done it. I think there was more, but I don't remember right now... But I'm also looking ahead. I've got my last independant study next semester, and I want it to be good, fun, and cool. I've come up with a couple ideas. First thing I came up with was getting good at the weapons I'm getting for Christmas this year and doing a presentation for the class after the AP test is over. I've also thought about a total fitness plan. It'd definately be good for me, that's for sure. I'd put myself on a diet again, work out/run at least three times a week, meditate, take all medicines that I'm supposed to but don't, do all my physical therapy, and continue to hardcore martial arts. That would help me in lots of ways. Hardcoring martial arts (going at least two/three times a week) would help, since I want to test for second Dan in April. And all the work outage would help me get back to where I want and, hopefully, beyond. Like, six pack territory. That would be a good way to start summer off. I've thought quite a bit about the latter idea. It wouldn't be that much work. I don't know. It'd be good for me, too. I'm not in bad shape or anything, but I'm not quite where I want to be. But who is? Hey, I could throw a physical in there, too. HEY, I've never gotten one of those! Cough. G-Fry Fresh Meat I found this page on the Blogger main page. It's a cool way to find sites. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. It's a relatively new page, kinda funny, with an interesting idea for posting. Check it out. I've already got a site o' the day, and this wouldn't really keep you occupied that long. So I put it into a post. G-Fry Hypocritcal Complaint I'm so tired of teenagers whining about such trivial things. They complain about things that they can't change and that are just facts of life. So what if you had a hard test? There's no use whining about it. You might as well just suck it up and accept that not everything works out perfectly. For anyone. I know that I'm just complaining about them complaining here. I also realize that it's hypocritical. Ergo the title. So, I'm taking my own advice. When someone whines about something, I'll just say "what can you do?" If they say that they can do something, then they should do it. That makes sense. I sure hope real people understand that the universe does not revolve around them. G-Fry Here We Are Again Ah, blowoff AP class, how I love thee. Sort of. We're just sitting around, working on this slightly dumb project with a sub looking as if she's been given fifty cc's of morphine. This is what my classes will look like more and more as I move through next week. I'm a senior and, therefore, exempt from semester and final exams. So, next week, classes will move into "study time" for the wee ones (juniors and sophomores), leaving us seniors with nothing to do. It's gonna be a good week. And just wait until the end of May! Yes, we are exempt again. But even better, AP tests are over, and in most of my classes the teachers are cool. By cool, I mean that they figure, hey, the purpose of the class is to take the AP test, and the AP test is over. Hence (none of them say that), the class is over. For at least two weeks, students in a schedule chock full of AP classes does nothing for school but wake up. I can't wait. Oh, bliss. G-Fry Thursday, December 4
Novel to Movie I decided to read High Fedelity for the independant reading in Phoenix. It should be fun. I'll read that, then during Christmas break I'll finish up Catch 22 and maybe read Fight Club. Oh my God! This girl is following a guy to college because she's "IN LOVE WITH HIM!" No matter that he has a boyfriend ("they're not in love!"). God. Teenagers around me just make me sick. Stupid ass teenagers. Down with Dawson's Creek! G-Fry Orchestrating Golf So, I'm taking lunch here in the orchestra hall. They keep talking about golf. Blah. I keep arguing with them that it's not a sport, it's a talent. Sports require activity. Football, swimming, rugby--these are sports. But golf....meh. Her little sis shot a seventy eight. G-Fry Wednesday, December 3
Get Off Your Butt! Hmm. I just heard about this on the Edge. What do you think? I know that I can't run the whole marathon, but 13.1 miles seems almost attainable. Problem: fundage. It costs $45 bucks, and I've got to cough it up by Dec. 13. There's a cheaper 5K run ($5). I should probably start smaller, too, huh? But if I'm gonna do that, there's a 5K run here in town that I can do! Hmm...That costs $20, though. Man, where does that go? They give out six trophies and a whole bunch of t-shirts. I bet if I ask Nicole, she'll do it with me. She'd wanna do the 13.1, though. I mean, she is in cross country. I can sign up for that Dallas 5K right up to the day online. So I think I'll do it! And, hey, I've never run a a 5K before. G-Fry Parental Interference Well, goodness. Manfred just informed me that the 'rents read this. I don't think I'm going to change anything anyway. It's my head. It's really the only place that I curse. Pretty much. So if they want to read this, I guess they'll have to read that too. Or something. It's a good thing I don't talk about my orgies in here. G-Fry Erm, Help? Oh, crap. That whole, "hey guys PLEASE help with my independant study" thing? That's due really soon. I think in a week. Gulp. I need nine new things in one week. Please help me. Any stupid/fun crap that you think I might not have done before, TELL ME! I will probably do it! And send you pictures, if you want! This was supposed to be an easy project... G-Fry Comment, Damnit! So, I've scrolled down the page and checked the commentage. Two comments. And they're the same comment. Kaitlyn clicked comment twice. Now, I know that there are people seeing this site. I now have proof of it. So what are you waiting for? Who cares if it doesn't have substance? It doesn't matter if I don't know you! Make me feel loved, people! READ THE TITLE!! G-Fry Ho Ho Ho Holy Shit! That is a funny website. But it also brings us to an important topic--what does G-Fry want for Christmas? Well, I'm glad that you asked! Weapons. G-Fry wants lots of weapons. In particular, I want this... ![]() What a badass pair of nunchakus. I've got several good reports from people at my center that I trust that these are the best ones available at Century. What else could I possibly desire? How about this... ![]() That red one on the top. I chose this one because you can whack it on stuff (like another bo) without snapping and thereby pissing me off muchos. The one I really want, though, is gorgeous... ![]() You can't really see it, but that white one on the left there is so beautiful. The five foot one is only nine ounces. I'd be getting the five-six one, so it'd be a little bit heavier. But still so freakin' light! Oh, me wants bad! Good thing: guaranteed, I am getting numbers one and two. Bad things: I am not getting number three, nor am I getting anything else from the 'rents this year. We're scaling back Christmas this year. If you wish to help G-Fry get more weapons and maybe a guitar, e-mail me by clicking that link off to the left there. Give me some lovin'. G-Fry Dang... I just tried to win the three o' clock threesome on the Edge. The songs were by Jane's Addiction, Crystal Method, and Pearl Jam. They make an answer. I want to win the tickets, but what the hell is the answer? Damn thinking. G-Fry Learnin' Hard Or Hardly Learnin'? Sitting in government with about twenty minutes left and nothing much to do. I got some help from Rambling Web Girl on how to wrap text around pictures, so I'll get crackin' on that soonish. I also got an e-mail from Jason Butler at Quietwater telling me to research how martial arts has been watered down to give people "warm fuzzies." I've seen some stuff on their main page, and I'm interested, but I haven't gotten around to hardcoring the info. Oop, time to go home! G-Fry Tuesday, December 2
Certification Glen finally got me my Asian certificate. With my martial arts background, he says I've got a chance at getting into the Asian Mafia! ![]() It reads: Asian Certification: G-Fry is hereby accepted as an Asian! WATAHHH! G-Fry Oh, No! Pop? Me?! I'm almost sorry to say it, but I'm digging Yellowcard. I say that I'm almost sorry because it's pretty poppish punk wannabe. In fact, sometimes it's aggravatingly reminiscent of A Simple Plan. Ugh. What I think is really freakin' cool about Yellowcard is the violin. He does quite the snazzy job of rockin' out. It's especially cool since I play violin (even if I do suck it up). Listen to some of their stuff here. The violin on the second track (Breathing) is freakin' pimp. Speaking of pimp... G-Fry The New Wave I think I'm gonna change the layout of this here blog. I've been looking around at others and I see a few things that I would dig. Nothing big and fancy, just a few things that I think would make the page look better. Gretchen has got me interested in meditation, so I think that I'm going to give it a try. She's giving me all the info that she got (including that Time article on the link there), so hopefully I'll be patient enough to give it a try. I'll keep you guys updated. Oh, and hey, it's a new thing for me, too! Speaking of new things....again, PLEASE, anyone, I don't care if you know me or not, PLEASE give me ideas for my independant study. Anything fun, stupid, or something that everyone should do that maybe a seventeen year old guy hasn't done, give it up! Do it, or I'll make your head do this. Magoo. G-Fry Monday, December 1
'Crastinating Calculus I think I'm using this thing as an excuse to not do things that I really should. I had a plan today. Granted, most of the time, I find one reason or another not to do homework as planned, but today, I spent a lot of time here. As you can plainly tell. But it's so freakin' neat now. I can do the picture thing and there's no more banner on this page. I mean, how cool is that? I've also been thinking about New Years Resolutions. I've never really made one that I expected myself to keep, and I think that people have problems keeping them because they're trying to force themselves to do something that they don't want to do. And a lot of the time, whatever a person decides will probably be good for them. But when I think about things that I can resolve to do, all I can really come up with is study more. And I know that's not going to happen. Why? Because I don't have a fiery passion for what I am required to study. Sure, I like history, and calculus is coming easy to me. But I don't really thrive off of that stuff. What do I want to do is kinda what it boils down to. Like, lifewise. Damn. Everything just kinda brings me back to the good ol' college question, doesn't it? I looked over more of the stuff I still have to turn in. None of it hard, but it's kinda hard to move on to another phase of life when you've never done it before. I mean, think about it. High school kids have never done anything different: we've always woken up in the morning, gone to school, and celebrated when we get holidays. That's it. We've never seen the world, we don't understand suffering, hell, we don't even understand that there is a world to suffer. We just see the same brick walls every day, smiling when we think about "getting out" of high school. And we don't even really understand what that means. I've never bought a pair of new pants myself. I've never worked a job a day in my life. I've never been outside the United States. I only know what I'm taught, for I've never been taught to learn on my own. I've never been drunk. I've never had sex. I've never been in love. I've never hated. I've never lost anyone. I've never been "the new kid." I've never run five miles. I've never been on TV. I've never been to a place without a TV. I've never.....everything. Maybe I expect too much of myself. Maybe I expect me to do too much in my lifetime. But that's another thing that high school kids, and probably people in general don't understand: we have a lifetime. We live and then we die. We. All. Die. But no one grasps it. There's thousands of ways to die: shooting, stabbing, heart attack, gangrene, electric shock, stroke, food poisoning, head injury, falling off of a bridge shortly after accidentally stepping into a bucket of cement. I don't know why I just listed that. I guess I'm just in a Melville place right now. I just don't understand how the world can be so big and I can be so small and I can still think I matter. Maybe I do. My life touches others, and they touch others, and that touch spreads (eventually and somehow) throughout the world, right? So my simple existence changes the history of the planet. So the only thing that I can control is how many lives I touch. I think I might really like to be a teacher. Philosophy 101. G-Fry It's Free So You're Gonna Eat It Holy piss. The Blogger people rock. I e-mailed them asking how to upgrade this little doohickey here so that I might grace your eyes with pictures, and they sent me an e-mail back saying that they're not upgrading people right now. So they gave me an upgrade....for free. I'm happy. That means that I get to do more stuff on this thinger, which I've definately been wanting to do lately. Any ideas on what should be the first picture? I need a scanner. G-Fry Just When I Was Losing Hope... I was thinking about taking the link off because it's all gamer stuff (except for that very interesting and uber cool martial arts main page), then I saw this. Good God. I lauged--a lot. Go to Quietwater and scroll down to And you gotta post twice a day... don't ask me why... cuz I already forgot... on December 1, 2003. Holy crap. That's good stuff. If I knew how to link to part of a page, I would. G-Fry Porn Ties What was the country reading about on my birthday? Well, if they were reading Time, they were reading about pornography! Just a fun little tidbit about my life. Irony, how I laugh with thee. G-Fry A New Tradition We're Starting This Year My goodness. That down there is a mess. I promise that I'll start adding titles, especially if I do that again. I'm good with my counter. I decided. Probably. I had an unbelievably good day today. It's so close to the end of the year. That is spectacular. Two week breaks are always a plus. The only catch is that whole college thing. I really should apply to more than one, don't you think? So I've got to get crackin' on that. I should be okay, though. I've gotten used to the format of stuff more, and really I only need an essay for one school (I think). I'm not sure if that thought is complete, but we'll run with it. There's so many people in the world. I can't believe how many people there are. And all of them have emotions, thoughs, ideas, loves, enemies, lusts, grievances, persecutions, laughter, and tears. How can everything function at the same time like it does? Just unbelievable. Stregthens my beliefs, it does. Yoda-speak for the weary. G-Fry |