The Cranial Mishaps of G-Fry |
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Saturday, January 31
CBS: Political Slut? Hmm. CBS is unwilling to play the ad. That link will let you see the ad and sign a petition to allow the ad to be played. CBS says that the ad is controversial. That's not controversial. Airing a how to ad for that's controversial. But that ad? It's simply factual. Via Jason Sutter. G-Fry Good News I just sent off for the templates from Elegant Webscapes. You know what that domain, here I come. I've been thinking about what I should leave here as my last post, and I decided, since Maine was badgering me, that I'd leave with a picture of me. I never really gave it too much thought that my face isn't plastered all over this thing, but I guess it's irksome to some not to know who's face they're talking to. So, that shall be the end of my Blogger face. Hope you like it. G-Fry Ack! I went to visit Morgan for my daily Webgirl fix, but the site looks like this! Click either one! They look the same! What are we going to do?! G-Fry Friday, January 30
I Almost Forgot! I got haxX0r3d. Apparently, I'm going to get a whole lot of money and open a porn site starring Morgan and Helen. I think I'm going to make good choices. G-Fry Friday I think I freaked out a Rachel. I know her from English, and I decided that she was cool enough to hang out with me, so I called her up after school and asked if she wanted to hang out with us tonight. We (me, the bro, and a couple of friends) picked her up at her house and drove to the theatre. I decided it'd be fun to drive like a fourteen year old child in a rainstorm. Girls don't seem to like that. The movie, Lost In Translation, was pretty good. The acting excellent. An enjoyable experience, even from row two. After we leave the movie, I act pretty much normal. Now, normal for me includes a variety of hopping, jumping, twitching, flailing, and a general atmosphere of excitement/childishness. But, you know, in a fun way. Apparently she wasn't ready for all that G-Fry. She went home about ten minutes after the movie ended. Which kinda sucked, cuz she's cool. And cute. Crap, I left her phone number out in the car. I'll have to get that... One last thing: why do people make out in parking lots right off the road? We left the movie theatre and WHAM, right there outside, not even in a parking lot, but in a road leading to a parking lot, was a car with two people inside. Looked to be one male and one female. So we did what any sane person would do. We gave them a little light to help them navigate. I mean, it's always best to see where your hands are going in a situation like that. You don't want to offend anyone. We were just being helpful. And extra helpful at that, cuz we used our brights. G-Fry Fan Mail I think I've gotten e-mail through this site once before, when J told me to research about martial arts and crap. I don't count that one, cuz, well, it was just J. So. Today, imagine my surprise when I opened my e-mail and found one (right at the top, no less) labeled "Being A G-Fry" from someone I've never heard of! How exciting, thinks I! It was even an interesting topic question. It read like so:
I answered using these words:
That covers where it came from. Now, what it means to be a G-Fry is something much greater. It is to be in a league all your own. It is to be amazing, polite, gorgeous, humble, and everything in between. It is to be the pinnacle of personable perfection. To paraphrase with a well known phrase: women want me and men want to be me. Thank you for your question. Now, may I ask you where you found my name and why you ponder on the origins of G-Fry? Questioningly yours, G-Fry I guess they found my site and wondered what the hell I'm talking about. Whatever the reason for the e-mail, I appreciate it. You all should learn a thing or two from (NAME). I think this means my site is officially beyond the journal phase. G-Fry Thursday, January 29
Don't Your Parents Read This? kaychee mae: i miss making out kaychee mae: that was fun CapnPlanet37: yeah........yeah Out. G-Fry Subjective Morality Schreiner is making me write an essay over, and I quote: It is sometimes necessary to restrict individual freedom for the sake of social order. Not a bad topic. In fact, I've been arguing with some Jason guy about it over at Geoff's place. But then they go and say that I can't use more than 750 words. Psh. Books have been written about this. I'm almost sure of it. Oh, well. I weaned down all of my arguements into a measly 759 words. I'm sure they won't mind. And now, for your reading pleasure: my essay.
If no regulations existed, whether through laws or social values, anarchy would reign. Man created these regulations in order to provide a more controlled environment for human life. For example, seat belts, traffic lights, and business regulations are all artificial creations. If these precautions were not in effect, however, people would do as they pleased in order to get what they desired, killing, stealing, and destroying whatever got in their way. Social mores and governmental laws provide for a structure of defense against this disorder by constraining certain individual freedoms. The most significant characteristic of deciding which freedoms are more important than others is the idea of personal choice and how it effects the vital aspects of a person’s life. These aspects can include how one will get food or wages, who controls the government, and other imperative facets of daily life, including the right to life itself. People are more apathetic towards giving up certain driving privileges (such as driving on the left side of the road) than towards the ability to choose their leaders. People want the right to choose what they believe will most greatly benefit themselves, what they believe will most efficiently better their lives. It is when society or the government restricts a person’s right to make these important personal choices that people may revolt against the morals or laws that they feel are being forced upon them. It becomes obvious, then, that the major conflicts that will occur when restricting individual freedoms for society’s safety will present themselves in the matter of personal choice: the choice to abortion or the choice to suicide, for example. Society’s greatest challenge is finding the point at which personal choice is too dangerous for society as a whole, and then restricting a person’s ability to carry out that choice. Before a society may set up these restrictions, however, it must first set up certain liberties that must always be permitted. This is important: if no limitations are set as to which freedoms may be taken away, a government may take all power away from the people by slowly eliminating all of their rights. Once these liberties are granted, as they are in the United States’ Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights, restrictions on individual freedoms may be undertaken, through the consent of the majority by its morals, in order to better society as a whole. Examples of “inalienable” freedoms are those that are, according to those documents, self-evident: the freedom to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Neither the government nor society has the right to take a person’s life. This is the most important of all individual freedoms. If any person besides the bearer of a life has the right to decide whether or not that life should continue, no other freedoms matter, for they can be swept away easily with the death of that person. The other two rights listed in Jefferson’s document go hand in hand: in order to pursue happiness, one must have liberty, and vice versa. It is obvious that individual freedoms should be granted, for without these freedoms, society would be worsened. For instance, a person that works hard only to avoid execution will only work as hard as is required to avoid that fate. A person working for his own happiness will work hard until his goal is achieved. So, individual freedoms should never be taken when they would diminish society’s productivity or capacity for growth. Without individual freedoms, society would crumble. Without morality and laws, individual freedoms would perish. Throughout history, and even today, the most difficult task that a society must face is to decide where individual freedoms lose their importance because of their disruption of the social order, and to prohibit those freedoms without further trespassing on the liberties that must always be present. Did you actually read that whole thing? Wow...weirdo. I guess I'll go do some homework. G-Fry It's The New Ross Perot! Don't know who to vote for this year? Afraid that the "mainstream" candidates have sold out like Less Than Jake? Then vote independent! Self-educated, so he knows the value of school! G-Fry Um...Hi I'm not sure how it happened, but I somehow appeared on this chick's referrer list. I don't think I've ever been there, but the picture is cool. Better than a kinky search from Google. G-Fry Hornier Than A Pack Of Rams Oh, good gravy. Imaginary girlfriends?'s so sad. And not the crying sad. The "my God, how idiotic and lonely do you have to be to want to buy a picture and a pair of scented underwear from some girl that's not that attractive anyway?!" kinda sad. That's a lotta sad. G-Fry Laid Back Thursday Thursdays are alright in my book. They're kinda like glazed doughnuts. They don't have all the fun and extra flavor of the doughnuts with icing on them, but you're not about to say no to 'em. You know that you've only got one more day left before a wee smidge of break in the craze. Makes you grin a little. Manfred stayed home from school today because he felt bad yesterday. Luckily for him, he was fine n' dandy today. He's spent the entire day playing online poker and putting almost a gig of music onto his computer. Such is life. I had to take a chem test today. No one did well, we don't think, but that's fine. There's a curve and then test corrections. No one's going to fail. I think it made one girl cry, though. Since I'm so outgoing, introverted people attract me. I want to bring them out of their shell. There's a girl in my economics class that I've known for a while, but only as the girl that doesn't talk much. The whole mysterious foreign (she's from Ukraine) thing is very alluring to me. Plus, she's gorgeous. And today she wore leather pants.... I feel a little woozy. G-Fry Wednesday, January 28
Maine Wannabe Obviously, no one thought of rating blogs before Maine came along. Who else could come up with something so original, so inspired as blog reviews? Well, now this guy is copying you, Maine. His motto? make fun of every blog I run into, on my blog, and in their comments. Noone is immune! How idiotic. I guarantee you, there are good blogs out there. I've found some. To immediately look for the bad in someone's site is a stupid way of entertaining your ego. And you're welcome to rate my site. I know it's not wonderful. In fact, it's mostly just a compilation of thoughts from a teenage kid. But I promise, your bad review won't hurt or discourage me in any way. You've said that other sites suck when they really actually don't. By finding something wrong with every site you review, you destroy your credibility. Plus, it makes you an asshole. And nobody likes an asshole. A big ol' "fuck you" from everyone you've ever reviewed. G-Fry Tuesday, January 27
Pines, Whines, Grumbles, & Moans You ever have a conversation with a girl where you just tell her how wonderful she is? How cool, beautiful, smart, and overall spectacular she is? The kind of conversation that ends in a kiss? I just had one over the internet. Damnit. G-Fry Apologies and Introspections My posts are never that good, but recently they've just been stupid and random, sometimes incoherent, ramblings. They look very much like they were copied off of a Xanga site. For this I am very, very sorry. Now. On to the other part. In Spanish today, we were discussing our memories of elementary school (en español, por supuesto). It got me thinking. I'm almost done with high school. In fact, today marks exactly four months to graduation. Seventy three more school days. Forty four school days that I will actually do school work. I've received college acceptance letters. I've received information on scholarships. I am quickly moving towards the end of my high school existence. Although it brings with it the joy and excitement of a completely different, independent life outside of Allen, it is also frightening. I have grown up in this town. I have attended every grade of school within the confines of this one city. If I say where I went to elementary or middle school, chances are someone around me lives near one of them. I have never been the new kid. I have never had a first day of school in a completely unfamiliar building. College will be a mini-city of buildings that I've never seen before. I won't know the best ways to get to the places I need to be. I won't know the back roads. I won't know the hallways. I'll have to ask where the bathroom is. And Manfred won't be there. It's never seemed important to me. We've been around each other since before we were born. We know the tiny idiosyncrasies that make up our personalities. We know how to push each other's buttons. We know how to fool people into believing that we're "cousins thrice removed". We know each other. Moving away from Manfred may be the most difficult part of leaving home. Out of all of the people on the planet, he is probably the one that I have been around, know better, laugh with, hit, yell at, and love the most. Living somewhere else I can imagine. New friends, new house. But right now, I just can't see living somewhere new without him. Manfred, I hope you have a good time at UTD. I hope you have more friends, I hope you meet more girls, I hope that you're happier there than you've ever been. And I hope that you'll tell me all about it. G-Fry Monday, January 26
Technical Assistance Does anyone know how to do a countdown clock? I'd love to get one for the end of school or graduation or something like that. It'd be loverly to look at my site and see exactly how many hours I need to get through before a glorious summer of summer-like activities. I had something that I wanted to post about, but I don't remember. G-Fry Please Be Joking Is it really possible to be this dumb? Read this post. Amusing enough. Then read Satpreet's comments on it. Um. You're...kidding...right? Maybe not. The next post (really freakin' good, by the by) evokes the comment from someone that the story "very much reminds [him] of 1984." Satpreet says this. What? John Lennon? G-Fry Untitled It was a Monday. Homework needs doing. Odd phone call. I think she got hacked. I need ideas for an independent study stat. I forgot orchestra rehearsal this morning. J's got a daughter. I'm out. G-Fry Sunday, January 25
Things I've Learned Today 1) The federal government expects my family to pay $13,082 per year towards my college education. 2) I'm allowed to say words like "holy" and "crap" in front of my parents when we find out that the federal government expects us to pay $13,082 per year towards my college education. 3) We're expected to pay so much because of the huge ass farm that we own in Oklahoma. 4) The money we make on the farm once helped smuggle my aunt and cousin out of Italy. 5) The farm manager is named Jon. 6) Sometimes, my dad goes crazy and starts cleaning everything in the house. 7) My brother is attending UTD next year. 8) The same cousin that got smuggled out of Italy owns an apartment on 5th Avenue right next door to St. Patrick's Cathedral. 9) I need to cut my toenails. 10) My site is number four for "fry hard animals sex" Polish? I'm wearing orange pants. G-Fry The Real Deal Last night was an alright time. A few of us farted around until about six, and then pokerage ensued. We had two girls that had never played poker before. Now, if you've ever done something like that, then you already know that I lost my money. If you haven't, allow me to educate you. If you teach a woman how to play poker, you're going to lose. At some point that night, she'll glance over at you and ask nervously for help. "Is this good?" she'll ask. You look down at her cards and see a full house. Kings over aces. Bitch! you'll think. "Yeah, that's alright," you'll say. And you have to let her win. You can't cheat her and tell her to fold, unless you're an asshole. And I try not to be an asshole. So. Traci and Amanda won last night. I lost. Anybody wanna play poker? G-Fry A Complete Falsification Traci and I made out. All night. That was all we did. From about six in the evening on through till eleven o' clock. My tongue is tired. G-Fry Saturday, January 24
Hypocrite I know that I said that I hate pictures moving with the background, but these two are very neat. I'm thinking about using them for my page. Whaddya think? Soon as I get the background, I'm opening it to the world. G-Fry Hehe... The beginning isn't that funny, but once you get to where you can control him, it's a blast. Via abbypants. G-Fry Anoche I saw The Butterfly Effect last night. Eh. There was some crappy acting with some good thrown in. It was drawn out. Unoriginal. But it was okay. Dollar movie theatre or something. After that was over, we came home and watched a terrible movie my mom got. I've mentioned it before, but my mother has the worst ability to find awful movies. Last night's was no exception. It was called Flesh of the Beast. It was basically naked women running around having ten second sex with all the guys in the place and then killing them while shaking their heads like wet dogs. Here's a pretty good summary of the movie. It was still better than Torque, though. G-Fry Egad I'm quite exhausted. Only three hours of martial arts this morning, but the last two were hardcore workout. It was wonderful. I'm a very Type A personality. I need to be doing something at all times. I don't think I was always this way, but all the homework from the past two years has made me adapt myself to it. So whenever I'm not doing homework and I don't want to watch TV, I just start wandering around the house. I want books! I've read pretty much everything that I want to read in this house (a lot of sci-fi stuff that I'm not all that interested in), and now I've got nothin'. I want Fight Club, I've heard good things about Perks of Being a Wallflower, and I'm always up for "classics". I keep going to a couple libraries around here and they're always out of Fight Club. Buncha lousy no good beatnik holligans keep stealing it from me... Damn hippies. G-Fry Friday, January 23
Go Somewhere Else Now no one can say tabloids never did anything good. This guy freaks out because he didn't get his eighty dollar rebate. So he's going to take them to court. He's right. Lawyer fees are much cheaper. Ew. Just....ew. I'll post something of substance later. G-Fry Thursday, January 22
Cross Your Fingers I'm thinking that I'm gonna spring for a couple of templates over yonder. She won that contest at Electric Venom. If I knew how to integrate the code myself, I think it'd be free, but since I don't, it costs a smidgen o' cash. Ten bucks for two, fifteen or something for four, yadda yadda. You Quietwater guys may want to check it out if none of you feel like making the page. Out like Macaulay Culkin in a fight with Muhommad Ali. G-Fry For The Helluva It ![]() I met with that Schreiner lady, Abby. She was cool. I gave her my application, and she told me that it would be official on Monday, but that I'm accepted. And that I have a dang good chance of getting an interview for Schreiner Scholar, which gets around nine grand a year. Doesn't even pay for the whole schooling, either. With room and board and all that jazz, it comes up like six grand short, give or take. I don't know if I should really be looking at Schreiner. I've never heard of them. Plus, if I can get in/get money so easily and quickly, beating out everyone else that fast....will it be hard enough? Will I be able to learn enough there? I don't know if I'm comfortable walking onto a campus like that. I like to be challenged, I like to think. That's why I want to continue my education. I'm looking for a school to teach me, not one that I can breeze through. It'd be really nice to get a full ride at Austin College. I'm not sure that I could, but I know that it's a good school (a DANG good school, from what I hear), and they have a five year program for teachers. Walking out the door after five years with a masters in education sounds quite with the niceness. Well, this didn't turn out to be a very funny post. Um...I put that picture up there for you. Have a nice day. G-Fry I'm Glad We Keep Them Around Them Quietwater guys did a much better job than me at my game. Go look and laugh. It's wonderful. I was skimming through some older entries of mine and I realized that I whine much too much. Next time I start that up, you guys really need to tell me to knock it off. I hate it when people whine all the time. Drives me crazy. So, please, the next time I have an entire entry devoted to bitching, tell me to kick myself in the balls. I've seen someone do that before. G-Fry Wednesday, January 21
Kids Say The Darndest Things I was just outside playing with my weapons and a couple of the neighbor kids came up. We talked, they skateboarded, and I swung my nunchakus. After a while, the white boy said, "Yeah, I can't jump, but at least I can skateboard." The black kid replied, "Shoo, course white boys can't jump. Black boys can't ride skateboard, but at least we can jump." No shit. G-Fry You DAMN Straight! My english teacher somehow lost (and this morning, found) my recommendations for both my Austin College admittance application and Austin College full scholarship application. But you know what? That doesn't matter. Because I got a letter today. What did it say? It said that I'm accepted. ... A simple wahoo does not allow you to understand the depths of my joy. I'm going freaking crazy over it! It's my first acceptance letter, and it not only tells me that they accepted me, but that they accepted me without a teacher recommendation. This means that I was not borderline. This means that I may have a chance at the full scholarship. I'm hyperventilating with joy! G-Fry Tuesday, January 20
Necisito Ayuda, Por Favor What do you MT people use to build your sites? I popped open Dreamweaver, but I'm not sure if it'll transfer right. I want to get this dang thing built so that I can open it to the world. Any help would be mucho 'preciated. Tengo un examen del subjuntivo en español mañana. G-Fry Let's Try A Game, Shall We? I do all of my serious thinking right as I'm drifting off to sleep. I do this for a variety of reasons. Stupid ideas are not seen as such when in a sleep induced stupor, and so can be thought through until they are no longer stupid. It also opens your mind to some really stupid shit that you would otherwise never think of. Like, say, my independant study or the World Interaction Project. So, last night I came up with something similar to that Blogger Idol dealy that I saw over at the Aussie chicks' places. What you do is you take people on your blogroll/sidebar/linky-dealio that you haven't met and postulate what you would do with them if you were to hang out. Get it? Here's mine: The Quietwater Gang: I imagine there'd be a lot of gaming. That weird little Jedi game they keep babbling about, some Counterstrike, and hopefully a lot of Halo. We'd laugh a lot with Maine, laugh a lot at Evan, and get the shit beat out of us by Jason. No, really. I'd want to learn about Quietwater from J. And how to be emo from Ev. Gotta learn to get those tears out... I'd gossip with Helen while she did a tarot reading for me. I'd probably make fun of her because she reads horoscopes, and she'd try to convince me that they're real. I don't think she'd win me over, but it'd be a good time. I'd talk fitness and health with Erin over at Lose The Buddha. I imagine we'd work out, too. She always seems to be doing that, and I could use to get back into the groove. Geoffrey and I would probably argue a lot. And I would probably lose a lot. Maybe not. But I'm almost positive that we'd argue. I'd hit the town with Jodi. I've only seen New York once, and that was four years ago! I imagine I'd laugh a lot with her, too. And eat interesting food from places I've never heard of. That's all there is to it. Try it out if it suits you. If nothing else, it's a good way to give link love. And everyone could use a little lovin'. G-Fry Monday, January 19
Erm...Now What? Okay, so the site is running....but what the hell am I doing? It seems easy enough, but I've got a couple o' questions. I'm gonna have to build my own template...right? And I thought I saw some mention of counter on 1&1 or something...but wher? That's not really a question about MT...Man, I used to be a nerd! What the hell happened? And what the hell is an RSS? And an RSD? On a totally separate thought, any suggestions on a title? I'm thinking I might stick with Cranial Mishaps, but if anyone else has got a good idea, I'm open to 'em. I almost broke it before I made a post. G-Fry Oh, Yeah I remember another thing I hate when reading blogs. I highlight text as I read it, and pages that don't let you do that drive me frickin' nuts. How/Why do/would you do that?! Buncha weirdos. G-Fry I's Got Some Work To Do I think I'm gonna back off posting for a little while so that I can get my site up. So, just a few announcements before I head off. Maine, your letter is in the mail. I'm not sending the project info with it. I've decided to put the project off for a while so that I can get a page set up showing where a letter has gone. That'll provide more interaction and give people something to look at to maybe dispel some disbelief. Oh, and if you don't want the project, you should probably tell me. You didn't sound like you cared, but, whatever. ANYONE that wants to participate or just know more about the project, PLEASE e-mail me! I need more people to help out! I think I had some other stuff, but I don't remember it. G-Fry Sunday, January 18
I Done Gone And Done It Well, I'm in the middle of signing up for that free site thing. I've got to go through a couple more things and then send off my request to get help setting up MT, but after that I'll (hopefully!) have my own domain! Teehee! I'm going to leave you in suspense as to what the domain will be. G-Fry Shameless Family Plug My mom has started a new business that I think could be beneficial to all those guys that have to buy something for that significant other this February. Everyone's favorite corporate created holiday is comin' up! Do you know what you're buying for that lovely woman in your life? Power tools and a pair of edible underwear? You idiot! You're gonna get slapped and possibly maced, and then who are you gonna sleep with? No, no, my friends, what you need is a good ol' fashioned gift basket! They come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, available to be mailed to you wherever you are! So head on over and check out that line of stuff! Now, I mentioned the men specifically simply because they are obviously in need of the most help. There's tons of stuff over there that could be given to either gender. I'm almost sure of it! So, ladies as well as men, head on over to my mom's website and buy hundreds of dollars worth of her stuff! Hurry, hurry, buy, buy! G-Fry Wait, I Thought We Still Liked Them I don't normally link up with the news stuff, but I couldn't resist this one. Who ever liked the Brits, anyway? G-Fry Masochism In Movie Theatres Oh. My. God. Never, ever, in your entire life should you ever under any circumstances go see the movie Torque. Just don't do it. It almost absolutely without a doubt the worst movie I have ever seen. And that's saying something, considering my mom's ability to bring home awful horror movies. I don't think I can describe to you how terrible this movie actually was. The plot was unconvincing at best, the acting was subpar (Ice Cube...I mean, come on!), and the dialogue was about as moving as a poem about the upside of child molestation. Continuity errors coupled with unbelievable plot points followed up by corny and overused lines brought about a feeling in me of absolute detestment for every person that was involved with the creation of this film. The writer should be embarrased. The director, ashamed. Even the cameramen should be mortified to be in connection with this movie. After hearing its premise and laughing at its absurdity, they should have turned around and walked directly away from whatever idiot was trying to hire them. I'm also pretty sure that someone was bribed in order to get this movie rated PG-13. Cursing throughout, obvious sexual references, half naked women continually sauntering around acting like sluts, violence, gangs, and drugs were present in every minute of the movie. Ice Cube even dropped the F-bomb (although it was probably the best part of the movie--as he drove away from a federal officer, he yelled "Fuck da Po-lice" over his shoulder). Because it was rated this way, we had to deal with those stupid ass preteens giggling down in the front. I hate preteens. Out of all phases of human life, the absolute worst has got to be preteen. They think the world revolves on a cenral axis directly around them, which makes them think they're cool, which makes them think they're older, which makes them look stupid and act annoying. I digress. Back to the ridiculous dreadfullness that was this movie. I decided after leaving the theatre that the only way the movie could have been salvaged was to make it into a porn film. I mean, if you're gonna have stupid stuff like sword fights with motorcycles (seriously), you may as well just have sword fights with motorcycles while people are having sex. No one cares if the movie makes sense in porn, just so long as they keep on periodically having sex. So, whoever can do this, I implore you: take back this trash and tweak it just a little bit. Throw in some more breasts! Toss in a couple of sex scenes! Have an orgy, why don't you!? Anything to make the movie that tiny bit better. I only have one more thing to say about this movie to show you exactly how God-awful it was. Are you ready? You sure? Alright, here goes: They put NOS on a Harley. Idiots. G-Fry Like A Friggin' Bullet Alrighty. I've finished up Maine's letter and I've got my letters written out for the World Interaction Project. Tomorrow (maybe) I'm going to set up a page for it so that people can see info on it. Actually, I may put it off. If I go MT, I'll have my own domain and I can link it off there. I can do that, right? Hmm...this whole own domain thing is startin' to look dang nice. If I had my own website, I could put up maps showing where letters have traveled and the like. Oh, hey, anyone want to participate? Helen mentioned that she'd be interested, and I'm sending one off in Maine's letter (I think), but the more the merrier. Anyone that want to participate, I can send you info. I'll love you forever. Sorry, that was really train of thoughtish, but I'm tired. That's how things are comin' right now. I think that I'll talk to my parents tomorrow about getting my own site set up. And I guess I should tell them about this project dealio. And see about a P.O. box. Just for safety, you know. How much does that cost, anywho? Oh, and I need to do FAFSA tomorrow, too. G-Fry Saturday, January 17
My Turn Everyone seems to like posting their favorite things to hate while reading blogs, and now I'm going to. In no real order: 1) The Friday Five. It's just...annoying. It really doesn't tell you anything important about the writer, and the questions are those hypotheticals that you'd find at an eighth party. 2) Of course, those idiots that make terrible backgrounds. Terrible backgrounds include: a. Bright background, dark text. And vice versa. b. A picture that moves along with you as you scroll down the page. I hate that... c. Little copies of one picture that span the entire page. It makes the text hard to read and no one wants to see a picture that many times. d. Anything else that I think looks stupid. 3) If you're going to write, don't tell me every movement you made during your day. No one cares. Do you ever walk up to someone you know and say, "Hey, I'd sure like to know exactly what you did today! Spare me no details! I want to know what time it was (down the the MINUTE!) when you left work! And when you got home! And everything you did there!" See? You're bored after just reading the questions! 4) Alternating caps. The only time those are allowed are if you're two. Otherwise you should be whipped. 5) Proofread your work. One or two misspelled things, meh, no big deal. But if you go off the deep end (ie: Dan), it makes you look like a nincompoop. And nobody likes a nincompoop. 6) I don't want to know how you did on an internet quiz. And I don't really want to see the picture, either. That can take a while to load, and nobody cares. That's probably my major ones. If I think of any more, I might add them. If you're doing any of the above, stop. Now. Knock it off lunchbox! G-Fry Estoy Contento It was a good morning. Martial arts classes for a few hours and then a pleasant lunch. As it was Lucas' birthday yesterday, and he wishes to go see a movie to celebrate, we shall perform that task today. Unfortunately, the only movie we're willing to sit through is Torque. At least it's only $2.50. I swear I had a deep thought, but I seem to have lost it. G-Fry Friday, January 16
He Had A Dream Martin Luther King, Jr., Day is upon us. And you know what that school! An extra day of weekend-age for G-Fry to enjoy. Ahhh. A very welcome change of pace, if I do say so myself. Everything came back at me pretty fast after winter break, and I was all, "Whoa, there, tiger!" and "Slow down, turbo!" Unfortunately, the tiger never whoaed, and the turbo kept on kickin'. But I've been able to get back into the school work groove, so I'm alright now. I've begun to read The Da Vinci Code. It's okay. Really, what's keeping me interested isn't his style. In fact, the way in which he tells the story periodically annoys me, because he constantly says things like, "'Wait, you mean that...' After she finished talking, he understood what he had to do." Very aggravating to have to deal with that. It's just weak and flimsy. I keep on reading, though, because of the way that he ties history and other assorted factual information into his story. It's quite interesting. I'm either reading or watching ER. G-Fry Hokay... Yes, I went a little retarded on my comments below. Sometimes I do things like that...seem a little retarded, I mean. I wasn't all that excited (promise), but when I re-read 'em, it sure made it seem like it. Sorry 'bout that, folks! So, the winner is Maine. Congrats to him. He has won a hand written letter from myself and the chance to begin my World Interacion Project! How exciting! Spaghetti doesn't fill me up. G-Fry Thursday, January 15
Results Well, it appears as if visitor number 2000 doesn't wish to participate in my groovy little competition. However, he/she/it has, let's say...until Saturday to send me an e-mail with a picture showing my counter at 2000. If I don't have anything by then, it goes to Maine, as he's already sent me number 2001. Can't you feel the tension rising?! G-Fry A Little Input If I do move to MT, I'll have to have a domain name/URL thingie. Any ideas for one? I liked I Spy a G-Fry from awhile back, but that's too wordy. G-Fry Crap! Social Reject moved, but I never got around to telling her that she didn't e-mail me the new site. Anyone know? Morgan? I found her on your site, I think! Eek! G-Fry More Than A Little Frightening As he was about to cross a street to get home yesterday, my nine year old neighbor was cut off by a man on a motorcycle and offered a ride home. The man was wearing a dark helmet, a leather jacket, and gloves. There was no way to discern any physical aspect of him. Not even what color skin he had. He physically stopped his motorcycle in front of the boy, turned it off, and asked if he could give him a ride home. Thank God, the wee one knew better than to do something like that, and just said no and walked around. His mom, obviously, has gone into "freak mode." She will not allow him to walk home anymore (the school is visible from my house) and will not let anyone else but her pick him up. With damn good reason. This is scary ass shit. This made me think about what happens when the kid actually gets on the motorcycle. It made me think about the faces of the kids. It made me think about what I would want done to the guy that took my neighbor. It brought up questions that I haven't ever had to ask myself before. I still don't know what I've decided; I don't know if you can actually understand it unless that actually happens. This incident also reminded me of a similar one that happened to my brother and I when we were smaller. We had seen some kids shooting cars with water guns while out on errands with my mother, and decided that that would be fun. We shot some cars as they passed our street, and then one stopped. The guy was by himself in a pick-up truck. He asked us if we'd like to go to his house to get a cloth so that we could dry our guns off. I said no. I said that we lived...and then I almost said on this street. I stopped. I realized that this guy should not, under any circumstances, know where we live. I finished my sentence with "around here." He drove away. When that happened, I didn't know why he shouldn't know where we lived. I had no idea that people were that sick. I had no idea what a pervert was. I just knew that he did not deserve to know anything about me. Thank God, my neighbor did, too. Thank God. G-Fry Wednesday, January 14
G2K Part II Last one, I promise. I'll leave this up till the counter hits 2000. If you are the one that arrives as my 2000th visitor, print screen that mug and e-mail it to me! Make sure the subject is something that I won't delete. For the official rules, read this. G-Fry Why Keep Thinking? Sorry about my posts recently. They're not all that interesting or good. I think that I might be able to keep up with schoolwork a little more as I move into the year a little farther, which will provide more brainpower for something more than just rambling. Last week, as I was helping out in an Open Belt class at my martial arts center, Mr. Jack (the guy who runs/owns/operates/teaches the place) walked up and asked why I wasn't on Leadership Team (the group of people that help teach classes) if I taught this much. We talked a little bit, and he invited me back onto the Team. I'm excited. A little worried, though. I don't know if I have enough time to devote besides just Saturday's. We'll see how time goes in the next week or two. I might be leaning towards weapons for my new independant study instead of the fitness thing. Time, again. I just don't know if I can afford to spend a minimum of two hours a day on fitness stuff. Harumph. Patience is a virtue that I don't have time for. G-Fry Tuesday, January 13
Pick One And Stick With It! Holy crap! Quietwater is listed in three of the top four referrers for my site! Ninety five total. That's about thirty percent of my refferals. Geez. Get a life or something, guys. And pick a friggin' URL. G-Fry Announcement I think I've got this whole homework dealio settled into manageable chunks now. Whew. I definitely was not expecting the kind of story that I was supplied down yonder. Frickin' hilarious, though. Muchos with the thankees. Today, I told everyone that I went with my mother to Gainesville, where (and this part is true) there exists a free zoo in a public park. I said (and this part is total fabrication) that a zoo person let me hold a monkey and that the monkey went schizo while on top of my head and jumped down the front of my face, tearing up my chin and upper lip. I explained the tooth away with a simple fall and smack on the concrete, which gave me the opportunity to back it up with the scrape/bruise thing I've got going on my hip now. Quite the load of crap, no? And people believed it. Ridiculous. I heard people say, "Only you could get attacked by a monkey" more times than I ever thought possible. Many people never even doubted me! Maybe I'm too trustworthy... Closing in on the counter competition. Should be finished before the weekend. Remember to print that screen, people! I think I might be experiencing a shift in music tastes. Well, maybe a split. On the one side, I quite enjoy the whole WA! WA! ness of loud stuff like Senses Fail, Story of the Year, and (periodically) Thursday. But I'm also really starting to get into the more mellow stuff like Blue October, (the new) Brand New, and The Postal Service. No really important reason for you to know this, I'm just tired and typing what comes into my head until I remember the stuff I actually wanted to talk about. Screw it, I'm going to bed. G-Fry I Sound Like Charlie Brown... I don't really have time to be doing this. I have to do Teen Court at 6:00 tonight, which, this week, entails minor prep time, but, after all the travel time and stuff, costs about two hours time. I have a shitload of Chemistry to do, along with reading Econ and studying some Spanish that Hitt won't teach. I'm going back on my previous thoughts concerning homework. I have a lot. And tests. Mrs. Shorenick, the Chem teacher, has decided to up the actual workload in an attempt to make us actually do the work. Logical, but aggravating and painful. So. I'm not reading anyone's site today. And now I'm leaving. Good grief. G-Fry Monday, January 12
Fun With Teeth I decided that, although the real story is interesting, telling a complete and utter lie to explain my tooth would give me greater satisfaction. Today, I told people that a soccer mom attacked me after hearing me make fun of her son's CD in Wal-Mart. I've got to come up with something better for tomorrow. This one has potential, but it just doesn't give the oomph that I want. Any ideas? I think it's hilarious that people believe this crap. G-Fry Whoooo-Zaa I just sent off my Austin College essay for a full ride. I gotta give a shout out to Maine, as he helped me (ie: gave me a topic and told me things that I could write) do this whole thing.'s lookin' at you, kid. I gotta say, I may be more nervous now than in all the time I've been procrastinating. Worried may be a better word. Or anxious. Or all three jumbled together. Because now it's out of my hands. Plus, what if they don't have any money left? Complete possibility. I've waited for a tremendously long period of time before sending it in. They could have given it all away or something. And then they could look at it and think, "Dang, if this kid had sent it in earlier, he might have had a chance." Well, I guess they wouldn't have given the money away yet. Just the interview spots. Hopefully, they saved a couple for schmucks like me. Eating sloppy joes. G-Fry Put It On A Post-It! Remember, if you see the page with a 2000 on the counter, you've won! Directions are on that link. No purchase necessary, void in Idaho and some areas of Japan. G-Fry Update: Damnit! Sorry, I'm a little early in the reminder. Sometimes the counter style confuses me... Sunday, January 11
Too....Much....Thinking.... I know I should be doing homework, but you know what? I don't care anymore. This year would be pretty breezy if I hadn't signed up for Chemistry. I figured, meh, what the hell, I'll have to take some kind of science in college, might as well try to get it out of the way now. But I'm starting to think that I may not be able to pass the AP exam with a grade good enough to skip out of this damn class. Silver lining: I'll have seen it already. Huge ass cloud: IT'S STILL CHEMISTRY. Sorry. Enough whining. I've got it good. Family, friends, opportunities (including school), etc. Every once in a while I just need to vent a little. And you guys have to deal with it. Read the fine print. It's there. Speaking of fine print, Morgan found out from Kevin that you can get MT free. For three years, anyway. You can sign up for five to twenty nine dollars after that. I'm thinking about doing it, but I don't know if I'll have to money to support it, especially since I will soon be skittering off to college, where I will find myself in the rather contagious predicament of having absolutely no money. I'd probably have to depend on the kindness of readers to keep it going, and I don't think that enough people would want to give me money to keep it going. I may do it. I'm really not sure... If that didn't make much sense, it's because I've thought too much today. G-Fry Go Buy This Album The Postal Service. It kicks serious ass. Go buy it. Now. And if you find two, buy me one. Sidenote: Lots of homework tomorrow, folks. Chances are I'll use this as a means to procrastinate, but if I don't post, it's becuase I'm up past my eyeballs in stupid school. End sidenote. G-Fry People Call Me Lloyd Christmas A good day. Martial arts classes in the morning, and it was a dang nice workout. Football at two, but it wasn't tackle. Figure that out. A whole bunch of Black Belts playing football, and they didn't want to play tackle. Weirdos. I just got back from seeing Big Fish. Quite the good flick. Several people that I didn't expect to be in it, including Danny Devito, the chick from Fight Club, and that weird lookin' guy that went crazy on Armageddon (sorry to use such a bad movie as an example, but I'm tired, so you'll have to suck it up). The only way I can think of to describe the movie is through drug references. For example: picture Death of a Salesman as a brownie mix. Now, add that "special ingredient," stir continiously for five minutes (or until smooth throughout), and then throw in an uplifting ending. Quite that. Go see it. It's good. I'm eatin' some brownies and goin' to bed. G-Fry Saturday, January 10
G2K I have almost reached my 2000 mark, and, as promised, I have decided upon a prize for the winner. Yes! It will be cheesy! Yes, it will be the same proposed prize as before! And, yes! I will use it to propagate my desire to begin the aforementioned project! That's right, folks! The person to e-mail me a print screen of the number 2000 on my counter will receive a hand written letter from myself! They will also receive instructions on how to, if they so desire, help me to begin my world interaction project. And if you happen to be a number right after 2000, I'd save it, because if 2000 doesn't send their response in a timely fashion, I'll begin to look for the numbers after that. Don't try to cheat, cuz I'll hunt you down and eat your heart with a spork! G-Fry Crappy Friday's Are Named Chippy Wasn't a bad day during school hours. Good English class (we watched a little bit of Young Frankenstein), didn't have to learn anything in Euro, we played well in Orchestra, and Calculus was applical to real life. So, after all that, I'm wandering around, looking for a ride, as I don't have a solid one this semester. No one is around, so I start to walk. As I'm walking by the church near the school, I see Josh on a dirtbike. Cool, I think, and yell over at him. We talk for a minute, and he says, "Wanna try it?" Bad idea. Turns out that the dirtbike wasn't automatic, like Thomas' moped. No, no, you had to shift gears on this bad boy. I stalled out the first time, then Josh explained to me a little better how to get it running. Only one problem: he forgot to mention where the brake was. I soon found myself half on, half off the bike as it attempted to speed away from me as fast as it could. I held on (idiot) as hard as I could, and finally brought it down with me. Cr-ACK goes my chin on the ground. In mid-bounce, my tongue flops around in my mouth, and I notice a slight chage. "Where's the rest of my tooth?" I wonder. Yes, folks, I have chipped my front right tooth. About two millimeters or so at its tallest point, pretty much all the way across. The bike didn't have too much damage to it, at least not that you could see. Hopefully, there won't be anything that Josh doesn't know how to fix. After that, as Bill and I were driving (well, Bill was driving) to a concert, we tapped a car from behind. Not a lot of damage, but the chick seemed kinda prissy about it. And the first three bands at the concert, which had fewer people at it than I had at my party last year, sucked. Luckily, Still Life Projector and Tokyo Rose were cool, so I left in a much better mood. As I sat there listening to bad music, I thought about why I was unhappy. I realized that I'm always optimistic and excited about things because I have nothing to feel bad about. I have no reasons to be pessimistic, sad, or mad about. Maybe this was just a wake-up call that not everything bad happens to someone else, even if the "bad thing" is something as minor as a chipped tooth. Although, I'm told it is rather expensive, even with dental insurance. I don't know about anything else, but I can eat pizza fine. G-Fry Thursday, January 8
Location is Everything And on the extremely odd search that led an extremely odd individual to Morgan's blog, this site came immediately after her. Warning: there are pictures, although only a graphic on that link. And I'm not really sure if you'd classify it as nudity, as he has no genitalia. On purpose. Because he asked for it. But, to be fair, after reading his reasoning, it makes sense. I would not recommend looking at it at work. G-Fry See Below For Reference I'm going to be able to vote for the next presidential election. It's made me think about Bush's presidency. He's done some things that I don't really like: Patriot Act, environmental acts that don't really seem all that enviromentalish, etc. Your standard "liberal" complaints. But thinking about everything that he's done (that I consider) wrong made me wonder: What has Bush done that both sides can deem as "good"? I mean, can a person be in office for four years and do nothing but swindle and steal? I don't hope not. So, let's get some discussion going. What has Bush done in office that you believe was worthwhile? Now, I am not trying to start any mudslinging between bloggers or, to a point, candidates for the election (on both sides). What I am curious about is what do people believe that Bush has done right? If anyone gets out of hand and starts attacking other commenters merely because their point of view is different (people from Dog Snot Diaries, beware), their comments will most likely dissapear under misterious circumstances. Also, propaganda from both sides is looked down upon. Don't just come on and start spouting about how great/terrible Bush is without some examples or facts. I'm looking for serious conversation about Bush's presidency and what good has come of it. I doubt I'll get much, though. G-Fry The Results Are In The Bush in 30 Seconds contests is in its final stages. They've slimmed it down to fifteen finalists, and they're pretty good. I really like these two, though. In both, the message comes across quite strongly. The second one would be my pick of the fifteen, I think. Too bad I'm too lazy to register. G-Fry Wednesday, January 7
Guess How Much I'm Worth... Thirty six thousand dollars. Damn straight! Every penny. Schreiner University somehow (Manfred thinks through a College Fair at school, but I'm unsure) got ahold of my SAT scores. They've called me a couple times, but this time made reference to a specific scholarship that I, apparently, am quite eligible for. Nine thousand a year for four years. I think I might have a good chance. My scores are higher than their "average" student, and when I told her my went a little like this. Her: What's your GPA, Geoffrey? Me: On what type of scale? We go by a 5.0 at my school, but normally you guys want the 4.0. Her: Yeah, the 4.0. Me: 3.95. Her: [Pause]. Me: [Grin]. Her: Wow. Yeah, I'd say you have a really good shot at getting an interview. Even better: the only major that Schreiner offers is in education, the only major that I'm considering right now. So, if I did go there, I could get my undergraduate college paid for, and afterwards, since I'm then considered "alumni," I could get my graduate degree paid for as well. However, I don't think Schreiner would be my first choice. If I'm gonna go to a school for a teaching degree on scholarship, I'd much rather go to Austin. It's a very good school, and I can leave in five years with my masters in education. That's assuming that they like the essay. And me. And want to give me money. So far, I've saved fifty dollars for college, and I can't guarantee you that's gonna make it past Friday. G-Fry The Grains of Time Somehow, I forgot about the joys of homework over my brief vacation. School's getting back into full swing, and that means quite a bit more homework, as all my teachers attempt to shove the last bits of information they can get into us before we leave them forever. Luckily, this year is my last. And that brings about a few benefits: 1. Prom. Although it may seem like a cheesy attempt for corporations/school/girls to steal your money, it does seem like it will be a good time. Right? 2. After AP tests in the beginning of May, I have several teachers that have promised a cessation to all learning. One extremely cool teacher (kinda like Lewis Black, in that he's funny and cynical, not the whole twitching deal) has actually told us that he considers the year over on April 31. A student giddily informed him that no such day existed, and he ran from the building covering his face in shame. 3. Homework. As much as I complain about it, I think I probably have less homework than I've had before. Chemistry requires more higher level thinking and a lot more studying than I'm used to, but there's really not that much that I am required to do at home and turn in. But all the thinking almost makes me nostalgic for the good ol' days when teachers just made you read a book chock full of idiotically represented info and then vomit those same facts back up on a test. Almost. 4. I'm old enough to buy my own ticket to an R rated movie. 5. And, finally, the end. The end of high school existence. The chance to stand in a crowd of people wearing the exact same thing as you and throwing your headgear as hard as you can in the air amidst a cheering, laughing, screaming crowd. I can't wait for that day. Ninety one school days left...but who's counting? G-Fry Tuesday, January 6
Experiment 34589021 I've had an idea for a while that I think I could pull off now. I want to send a postcard (or more than one) out to someone in a different state/country. That person would then take a picture of themselves and enclose it with a letter/postcard back to me, and then send my postcard, with instructions asking to do the same, to a friend or family member in a different state/country. I'm curious to see how many countries I can get, and how long it would last. Anyone interested in doing this, comment or, more preferably, e-mail me. Especially if you're in a different country. It would be quite nifty. G-Fry Freak of the Week I'm sitting in my room procrastinating homework and those essays that I've come to love thinking about doing. To start thinking about anything, I'm gonna have to turn off the funk music I've got going. And that's gonna be tough.... Oop, James Brown just started. Man, I don't know if any homework is gonna get done. School's been alright. A little homework here and there, but nothing too bad. Chem is gonna be hectic. I got the results back on the practice AP test. Twenty seven correct out of seventy five. Eek. But considering that we're only through half of the material, it's not too bad. Ish. I still can't decide what I want to do for my independant study. The all out fitness will probably win out, assuming I can get in to the physical therapist's before February. If I can't, I may just have to go with the nunchakus. Guitar is taking a way behind last place. Too many people do that, and I really don't want that to be a grade type thing, anyway. WHOAW! G-Fry What Light From Yon Window Breaks? It's not that serious, as I'm not so obsessed that I find myself crouching in a thorny rosegarden beneath her window, listening to her mumble inanely to herself in iambic pentameter. I do feel a little uncomfortable tug, though. I was sitting around in the band hall (sign one that you're a dork, especially when you're not even in band) waiting for my ride to take me home, and Lindsey walked through. She glanced over to see who was sitting there, did kind of a double take as I was looking down, and kept going. Doesn't mean anything. Except that she still doesn't want to talk to me. She looks good. She's on the rugby team, and I think that she's lost some weight. She didn't need too, but she looks quite stunning. I'm starting to get the feeling that she might have lied to me about her reason, though. I don't know if she has a boyfriend. From the two-ish random glances I've had of her when I'm looking around in the band hall for someone to take me home, she's never been with a guy. At least, not the way she acts with a guy that she's with. And, since that whole inter-blogging thing that caused "the talk," I've been periodically checking her site. No mention of the guy there, either. Maybe she just didn't want to tell me that she just doesn't like me anymore. But I'd rather her tell me that. That way I can know that there's no chance. I'd rather have a definate negative than a possible positive. Even if the positive is just that she never told me no. I can see how a couple guys I know got pulled into this. Luckily, I'm not in nearly as deep as they are. Their relationships were much longer and involved the dreaded "L" word. I think that I'm stuck on her for two reasons: she's really the only girl that I've ever felt any kind of real connection with, and I think I just have an overall problem with letting relationships go. I tend to have some feelings left over, even if there weren't really that many feelings involved in the relationship. I'm good on my other two (what a huge number, eh? That's what I get for being fat for so long), but this one has just kind of lingered. If KD is still around, I hope I get a phone call. Negative or positive......I just want this to stop, you know? And I'm really not hurting that bad. I'm not depressed, or feel like I'm in some dark and dank hole or anything. I mean, after all, I'm not Evan. Dang emo bitch. G-Fry Monday, January 5
Just One? When I finally got around to posting, Blogger decided that they were doing some update or something. Then I think I fell asleep in my chair. School was good. Better than I thought it would be, actually. I forgot how many people I don't see unless I'm in school. Didn't have to learn too much, either, which is always a good school day. I still haven't gotten over that nap. So this is gonna have to do today. Gettin' some real sleep. G-Fry Sunday, January 4
Backfire My parents are cool. They have always let us do pretty much whatever we want, and, although we used to be devil hellions, we've turned out alright because of it. We have a "bedtime," but that is basically a point at which we should try very hard to hit the sack at. If we're a few minutes late, they don't shoot us. We have to be home at 11:30, and at least one of them stays up for us. We can do pretty much whatever, as long as it stays mostly within the realm of the law. But Manfred is starting crap. He's coming home late, leaving when he has things to do, and just not caring what the 'rents say. It's very aggravating to me because I do and yet, since he gets away with it with no punishment, he can stay out later than me, do less work around the house than me, and stay up later than me. My parents keep on saying things like, "what are we gonna do with him?" I never do speak out completely, as it's rude since I'm not an authority, but I do mumble about it sometimes. But I don't need to mumble here. They need to let Manfred relearn the joys of grounding. And not just the namby pamby day grounding that we've got recently. He needs at least a week. Tell him, "Hey, you want to be fifteen minutes late, that's your prerogative. But you're grounded for a week. Deal with it. And while you're at it, clean some stuff around here, too." He talks back, complains loudly, has an overall bad attitude, and breaks rules that have been set in this house for years. He needs to be punished. Besides, he only has to deal with it until fall. Then he can do whatever he damn well pleases. But until then, he lives under their roof. And follows their rules. Simple as that. I love him, but he's got some issues dealing with people. G-Fry Ah Ha! For the SMU app, I have to come up with the title for my autobiography, should the thing exist. I'm thinking "Geoffrey: A Pill Amongst Placebos." Maybe something to do with control groups and me not being one. Or "The Oddball Experiment." Although I think that might seem a I was one of those weird kids with the long hair that never talks to anybody. I mean, nobody let's those guys into college. G-Fry Jeez Louise Dang essay. I thought I was good. But apparently, Austin College wants us out of the classroom. Why? That's where they make money! Stupid college.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, looky here. G-Fry Silly Microsoft I love the thesaurus in Word. I started out with "interpolate" and ended up with "catch-22." Back to the minefields. G-Fry Here I Go Again For some reason, I cannot seem to bring myself to do things. I always seem to put things off until I start to feel intensely pressured by them and then do them in a hurried frenzy of typing, whining, and pouting. What makes it even worse is that I am not one of those people that does better when pressure is applied. I don't put out good essays when thinking about how soon I have to get this done. In fact, they're probably worse. So why, I continue to ask myself, do I do this? Perhaps it really is my fear of leaving here. Maybe it's because I don't want to upset my linear life. Right now, I wake up, go to school, do homework, see friends, and restart. There really are no bumps in the road, nothing out of place that surprises me. Maybe I don't want to leave that. But at the same time, I know that I do. I want to do something. I want to have more days that I specifically remember. Not just, "oh, yeah, we had a good time last night." I want to have specific stories. I want to live. What makes the putting off thing even worse is that normally, what I put off is not worth putting off. I left my Austing College Financial Aid form collecting dust next to my keyboard for two months, and I finished it off in twenty minutes. Apparently, colleges don't want to make it any harder to apply than it already is. The essays that I whine about so often are not long at all: 500 words is really a walk in the park. So. My main problem, again, is actually doing it. Let's give it a try. G-Fry Saturday, January 3
Snarky I didn't look through all of them, but I like this one the most out of the, um, three that I read. By the way, I'm talking about the Snark thing over at Electric Venom. I got nothin'. G-Fry Owie I've been messing around with the guitar for most of today. Andy, Amy, Manfred, and Eric went to Six Flags today, and no one else has called. So, I've done nothing but mess with da gitarr. Work on my college essays, you say? Better my chances of not paying for college? Haha! I laugh at your suggestions! Who wants to go to college when you can pretend to play the guitar? I thought that my fingers would be fine since I play violin, but this is a whole 'nother breed, as they say. Everytime I type a letter that involves my first three fingers on my left hand, it sends a rather unpleasant sensation through the nerves in my arm up into my brain. But I don't really care. I'm having a dang good time, and I'm getting better at changing chords. Wahoo! I bought a couple CD's with the moolah. I still have thirty some-odd dollars, so there is a chance that I'll put aside fifty or so in the next couple weeks. But starting a bank account takes effort and energy, and I don't know if I can make myself do that for only fifty dollars. I mean, I plan to get a job during the summer so that I can have a little bit of spending money and save for college. So why put aside a measly fifty now? I probably won't use it anyway, and it'll sit in my wallet until some girl comes along (finally) and takes it all away. So why store it some place where I can't get to it? I like the new Brand New CD more. G-Fry Heya! I found this at Morgan's site, but she found it at Electric Venom. Turns out I'm a 56: Dedicated Weblogger. Schwing. And I've been thinking that I might be too dedicated... G-Fry Strummin' and Single Jim let me borrow his guitar. So, I am now going at the other teenage watershed (besides skateboarding). Yes, my friends, I will soon be a guitar fiend. Well, I'll at least pretend that I can play it. And that single thing was just for the alliteration. G-Fry Friday, January 2
I found this site via Jane over at Social Reject. It's called Group Hug. And DAMN there is some messed up crap over there. It's a good idea, although I keep reading all of these and want to respond in some way. I want to be able to click that person's number and send them an e-mail with advice, consolence, or something. But, what are you gonna do. Some of the entries are really messed up, and I just want to tell them that they need years of hardcore freakin' therapy. I was especially caught off guard with this one:
That is seriously fucked up. G-Fry What The Crap Do I Do?! I don't understand Trackbacks. How do you link so that it shows that you've tracked back? If I use the Trackback link, it goes all screwy and stuff. If I link to the entry, it doesn't show up as a Trackback. So how do I do it? Technical titillation. G-Fry Well, That Was Unexpected The Big Game went well. I was down for most of it, but then made a comeback up to about even (minus three dollars). We played a low stakes, five dollar buy in game afterwards, in which I made thirty three dollars. Kickass. So now I have one hundred dollars. What to do? Manfred thinks I should start my bank account up again. I'm thinking some music, but what to buy? I need Ashley's help...or yours, if you'd like. What music should G-Fry purchase? Christopher Walken is my idol. G-Fry Thursday, January 1
Wow I found this just a few minutes ago and read this post. Oh, my God. Incredibly reminiscent of the Gestapo. That type of thing is absolutely ridiculous. It saddens me that I'm placed in the same category ("American") as the people that do that type of thing. Unbelievable. G-Fry The Day After Well, all you drunkards now have a hangover. I'm fine. Ha! The Big Poker Game is on today. It starts at 6:00 or so tonight. Hopefully I don't lose all my money in the first hand. I'll let you know tonight/tomorrow how it goes. And if I go up an obscene amount of money, I want some feedback on what I should buy: weapons? guitar? etc.? I think I'd like to change my page around. I'm getting to the point where I think I'd like two side columns, since it's gettin' pretty long over there. Unfortunately, I'm not excellent in HTML. I have Dreamweaver, and I guess I could set it up the way I like it and then copy the code, but there's that whole lazy thing I'd have to overcome first.... And that's dang tough. G-Fry Here's To A Better Year Well, tonight wasn't as fun as expected. But I still had an alright time. The parties weren't all parties; one was just a collection of four. Meh. I don't think I've ever really had a great New Years. I've never gotten a New Years kiss. I'm just whining now. I'll leave you all alone and go watch a movie now. What to watch... G-Fry |